Yengine formerly XMR engine Donated to Opensimulator core by, mrieker (DreamNation) and Cores own Melanie.
Notes on Yengine: Although it works very well, it is not compatible with Xengine, meaing crossing or TP'ing into an Yengine region from a Xengine region will result in scripts being reset and may need recompiled.
The PS stands for Profile and Search
I have included the source which will build the Jopensim Profile and Search moduals. There is no documetation on configuring them included at this point please see for details.
You would need to remove these modules if you are not using them.
This has some fixes that have not made it into core OpenSimulator .
Some of the additions include the http tests branch which improves the built in http server. Roll back of some of the permission changes , specifcally the item creation permsions for textures. configureable LSL delays, see OpenSimDefaults.ini, added osParcelMusicURL, for gods, as the ll funcion only works for parcel/land owners.
This build also includes the phpmutelist found at
And various others.
Welcome to OpenSim!
OpenSim is a BSD Licensed Open Source project to develop a functioning virtual worlds server platform capable of supporting multiple clients and servers in a heterogeneous grid structure. OpenSim is written in C#, and can run under Mono or the Microsoft .NET runtimes.
This is considered an alpha release. Some stuff works, a lot doesn't. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
Please see if you downloaded a source distribution and need to build OpenSim before running it.
You will need .NET 4.6 installed to run this version OpenSimulator.
We recommend that you run OpenSim from a command prompt on Windows in order to capture any errors.
To run OpenSim from a command prompt
- cd to the bin/ directory where you unpacked OpenSim
- run OpenSim.exe
Now see the "Configuring OpenSim" section
You will need Mono >= 5.x to run this version of OpenSimulator. On some Linux distributions you may need to install additional packages. See for more information.
To run OpenSim, from the unpacked distribution type:
- cd bin
- mono OpenSim.exe
Now see the "Configuring OpenSim" section
When OpenSim starts for the first time, you will be prompted with a series of questions that look something like:
[09-17 03:54:40] DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Simulator Name [OpenSim Test]:
For all the options except simulator name, you can safely hit enter to accept the default if you want to connect using a client on the same machine or over your local network.
You will then be asked "Do you wish to join an existing estate?". If you're starting OpenSim for the first time then answer no (which is the default) and provide an estate name.
Shortly afterwards, you will then be asked to enter an estate owner first name, last name, password and e-mail (which can be left blank). Do not forget these details, since initially only this account will be able to manage your region in-world. You can also use these details to perform your first login.
Once you are presented with a prompt that looks like:
Region (My region name) #
You have successfully started OpenSim.
If you want to create another user account to login rather than the estate account, then type "create user" on the OpenSim console and follow the prompts.
Helpful resources:
By default your sim will be available for login on port 9000. You can login by adding -loginuri to the command that starts Second Life (e.g. in the Target: box of the client icon properties on Windows). You can also login using the network IP address of the machine running OpenSim (e.g.
To login, use the avatar details that you gave for your estate ownership or the one you set up using the "create user" command.
email [email protected]