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Ben Tupper edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 1 revision
❯ podaac-data-downloader --help
usage: PO.DAAC bulk-data downloader [-h] -c COLLECTION -d OUTPUTDIRECTORY [--cycle SEARCH_CYCLES] [-sd STARTDATE] [-ed ENDDATE] [-f] [-b BBOX] [-dc] [-dydoy]
                                    [-dymd] [-dy] [--offset OFFSET] [-e EXTENSIONS] [-gr GRANULENAME] [--process PROCESS_CMD] [--version] [--verbose]
                                    [-p PROVIDER] [--limit LIMIT] [--dry-run]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COLLECTION, --collection-shortname COLLECTION
                        The collection shortname for which you want to retrieve data.
                        The directory where data products will be downloaded.
                        Cycle number for determining downloads. can be repeated for multiple cycles
  -sd STARTDATE, --start-date STARTDATE
                        The ISO date time after which data should be retrieved. For Example, --start-date 2021-01-14T00:00:00Z
  -ed ENDDATE, --end-date ENDDATE
                        The ISO date time before which data should be retrieved. For Example, --end-date 2021-01-14T00:00:00Z
  -f, --force           Flag to force downloading files that are listed in CMR query, even if the file exists and checksum matches
  -b BBOX, --bounds BBOX
                        The bounding rectangle to filter result in. Format is W Longitude,S Latitude,E Longitude,N Latitude without spaces. Due to an issue
                        with parsing arguments, to use this command, please use the -b="-180,-90,180,90" syntax when calling from the command line. Default:
  -dc                   Flag to use cycle number for directory where data products will be downloaded.
  -dydoy                Flag to use start time (Year/DOY) of downloaded data for directory where data products will be downloaded.
  -dymd                 Flag to use start time (Year/Month/Day) of downloaded data for directory where data products will be downloaded.
  -dy                   Flag to use start time (Year) of downloaded data for directory where data products will be downloaded.
  --offset OFFSET       Flag used to shift timestamp. Units are in hours, e.g. 10 or -10.
  -e EXTENSIONS, --extensions EXTENSIONS
                        Regexps of extensions of products to download. Default is [.nc, .h5, .zip, .tar.gz, .tiff]
  -gr GRANULENAME, --granule-name GRANULENAME
                        Flag to download specific granule from a collection. This parameter can only be used if you know the granule name. Only one granule
                        name can be supplied
  --process PROCESS_CMD
                        Processing command to run on each downloaded file (e.g., compression). Can be specified multiple times.
  --version             Display script version information and exit.
  --verbose             Verbose mode.
  -p PROVIDER, --provider PROVIDER
                        Specify a provider for collection search. Default is POCLOUD.
  --limit LIMIT         Integer limit for number of granules to download. Useful in testing. Defaults to no limit.
  --dry-run             Search and identify files to download, but do not actually download them

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