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Implement reading of ranking files
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Beyley committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent 6a9133e commit b4779d5
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Showing 3 changed files with 264 additions and 11 deletions.
20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions game/challenge.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,20 +21,18 @@ pub const ChallengeInfo = struct {
/// this is used to fix audio delay caused by the OS, hardware, and poor map timing
audio_offset: i16 = 0,

/// Whether or not the challenge is valid
valid: bool = true,

const Self = @This();

pub fn format(self: Self, render_state: *RenderState, writer: anytype) !void {
_ = render_state;
pub fn format(self: Self, actual_fmt: anytype, options: anytype, writer: anytype) !void {
_ = options;
_ = actual_fmt;
//If its not valid,
if (!self.valid) {
//Write some hyphens
try writer.writeAll("----");
//Break out
// if (!self.valid) {
// //Write some hyphens
// try writer.writeAll("----");
// //Break out
// return;
// }

//Write the speed
try writer.writeByte('x');
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions game/music.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");

const IConv = @import("iconv.zig");
const Fumen = @import("fumen.zig");
const Ranking = @import("ranking.zig");

const Gfx = @import("gfx.zig");
const Screen = @import("screen.zig");
Expand All @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ folder_path: []const u8,
sort_idx: usize,

fumen: *Fumen,
ranking: Ranking,

allocator: std.mem.Allocator,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,6 +152,15 @@ pub fn readFromFile(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, path: std.fs.Dir, file: std.fs
self.fumen.* = try Fumen.readFromFile(allocator, fumen_file, path);
errdefer self.fumen.deinit();

var ranking_path = try path.realpathAlloc(allocator, self.ranking_file_name);

var ranking_file = try std.fs.openFileAbsolute(ranking_path, .{});
defer ranking_file.close();

self.ranking = try Ranking.readRanking(allocator, ranking_file);
errdefer self.ranking.deinit();

return self;

Expand Down
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions game/ranking.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
const std = @import("std");

const Challenge = @import("challenge.zig").ChallengeInfo;

const Self = @This();

/// The maximum length for a UTyping score name
const name_len = 16;

/// The maximum number of rankings stored
const ranking_len = 20;

/// Whether or not the scores have changed, and they should be re-written to the file
changed: bool = false,
scores: [ranking_len]Score,
achievement: RankingLevel,
play_count: i32,
play_time: i32,

pub const UTypingDate = packed struct(i32) {
day: u8,
month: u8,
year: u16,

/// Gets an integer representing the current date
pub fn getUTypingDate() UTypingDate {
//Get the current timestamp
var epoch_seconds = std.time.epoch.EpochSeconds{
.secs = @intCast(std.time.timestamp()),
//Get the year and day
var year_day = epoch_seconds.getEpochDay().calculateYearDay();
//Get the year and month
var month_and_day = year_day.calculateMonthDay();

return .{
.day = month_and_day.day_index,
.month = @intFromEnum(month_and_day.month),
.year = year_day.year,

pub fn readRanking(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, file: std.fs.File) !Self {
_ = allocator;
var ranking = Self{
.achievement = .no_data,
.play_count = 0,
.play_time = 0,
.changed = false,
//set scores to undefined, as it is init later
.scores = .{comptime Score.init()} ** ranking_len,
//Set all of the scores to the default state
@memset(&ranking.scores, Score.init());

var buffered_reader =;
var reader = buffered_reader.reader();

var version: i32 = reader.readInt(i32, .little) catch |err| {
if (err == std.fs.File.Reader.NoEofError.EndOfStream) {
return ranking;

return err;

const ranking_file_version = 5;

//If the first byte of the version is greater than 32, than assume version is 0
if ((version & 0xff) > ' ') {
version = 0;
//Seek back to the start
try file.seekTo(0);

//Reset the buffered reader
buffered_reader =;
reader = buffered_reader.reader();

//If we found an invalid ranking version, throw an error
if (version > ranking_file_version or version < 0) {
std.debug.print("found unknown ranking version {d}\n", .{version});
return error.UnknownRankingVersion;

//In version 4, achivement was added to the score data34
if (version >= 4) {
ranking.achievement = try reader.readEnum(RankingLevel, .little);

//In version 3, play count and play time was added
if (version >= 3) {
ranking.play_count = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);
ranking.play_time = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);

//In version 5, we now only store the exact number of scores, rather than all ranking_len scores.
var ranking_size: usize = if (version >= 5) @intCast(try reader.readInt(i32, .little)) else ranking_len;

//Iterate through all the rankings and read the scores
for (0..ranking_size) |i| {
ranking.scores[i] = try, version);

//In version 4, achivement was added to the score data
if (version < 4) {
for (&ranking.scores) |score| {
const level = score.getLevel();
//If this score is better than the currently stored achivement
if (@intFromEnum(level) > @intFromEnum(ranking.achievement)) {
//Store that achivement
ranking.achievement = level;

try file.seekTo(0);

return ranking;

pub const RankingLevel = enum(i32) {
no_data = 0,
failed = 0x0100,
red_zone = 0x0200,
yellow_zone = 0x0240,
blue_zone = 0x0280,
clear = 0x0300,
full_combo = 0x0500,
full_good = 0x0600,
perfect = 0x0700,

pub const Score = struct {
name: [name_len]u8,
score: i32,
score_accuracy: i32,
score_typing: i32,
///The counts of the judgements, in order of: Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Pass
count: [5]i32,
count_all: i32,
combo_max: i32,
challenge: Challenge,
date: UTypingDate,

pub fn init() Score {
var score = Score{
.name = undefined,
.score = 0,
.score_accuracy = 0,
.score_typing = 0,
.count = .{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
.count_all = 0,
.combo_max = 0,
.date = .{
.day = 0,
.month = 0,
.year = 0,
.challenge = .{},

//Zero-init the score to all zeroes
@memset(&, 0);
//Set the first char to `_`[0] = '_';

return score;

pub fn getLevel(self: Score) RankingLevel {
if (self.combo_max != -1) return .no_data;
if (self.count[2] != 0) return .full_combo;
if (self.count[1] != 0) return .full_good;
return .perfect;

pub fn read(reader: anytype, version: i32) !Score {
var score = init();

//In version 1, the score name length was bumped from 8 to 16
if (version >= 1) {
//Read the full name_len bytes for the name
_ = try reader.readNoEof(&;
} else {
//Read only 8 bytes, as names were only 8 bytes in size in version 1
_ = try reader.readNoEof([0..8]);[8] = 0;
//Read the combined score
score.score = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);
//Read the accuracy score
score.score_accuracy = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);
//Read the typing score
score.score_typing = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);
//Iterate over all the count parameters
for (&score.count) |*count| {
//Set them to the read value
count.* = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);
//Read the total count
score.count_all = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);
//Read the max combo
score.combo_max = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);

const challenge_num = 7;
//In version 1, challenges were added
if (version >= 1) {
//Iterate over all known challenges
for (0..challenge_num) |i| {
//If the challenge is enabled
if (try reader.readByte() != 0)
//Enable the associated challenge
switch (i) {
0 => score.challenge.hidden = true,
1 => score.challenge.sudden = true,
2 => score.challenge.stealth = true,
3 => score.challenge.lyrics_stealth = true,
4 => score.challenge.sin = true,
5 => score.challenge.cos = true,
6 => score.challenge.tan = true,
else => @panic("Unhandled challenge int"),
//Ignore all the rest of the bytes up to 16 (left for future use I assume)
for (challenge_num..16) |_| {
_ = try reader.readByte();
//Read the speed
score.challenge.speed = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(try reader.readInt(i32, .little))) / 10.0;
//Read the key
score.challenge.key = try reader.readInt(i32, .little);

//In version 2, dates were added to the scores
if (version >= 2) {
//Read the date = @bitCast(try reader.readInt(i32, .little));

return score;

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