This was a quick exercise to stretch out my Ruby muscles. This an Instagram clone that allows users to upload pictures and upvote or "like" other users pictures.
- simple_form 3.5 - for creating forms for pics
- devise 4.2 - quick fix for creating, editing, deleting, confirming Users
- paperclip 4.3 -for image upload. Must have imageMagick installed too
- haml 5.0 - Alternative to erb
- bootstrap-sass 3.3
- masonry-rails 0.2.4
- acts_as_votable 0.10.0 - for upvoting photos
- seed_dump - Creates db/seed file from current database
Make sure to install all of your gems by running:
bundle install
Then you need to migrate the database by running:
rake db:migrate
If you want to start from scratch, this is all you should need to get started. Since the database is empty, you will need to register a user to be able to add pics.
OR, you can create some sample data by seeding the database. There is a seed file available at db/seeds.rb.
Seed your databse by running the following command in your terminal:
rake db:seed
This should insert one User and two Pics into your database. Restart your server by running
ctrl + C
rails server or rails s
Your index page should now have two pictures there.
There are two models for this app - Users and Pics Pics cannot be created without having a User attached.Same with upvotes
Devise allows for easy restriction of routes for users. The following line restricts users from seeing any of the other routes unless they are logged in:
before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:index, :show]
If you want to test emails locally, you need to use some smtp faker. I used Mailtrap. s
For devise User model, you must add
to the User model in models/user.rb in order to use the confirmation and password reset emails. You can find more info on the :confirmable method here: :confirmable