Start with SM46 (see submitted paper).
Bogdan created timeseries for the two main dihedrals (see tar file on spudda, too big for repo).
To set up:
bash ./bin/RSYNC
bash ./bin/SETUP
You can then use the notebooks in analysis.
You need a conda environment with
- alchemlyb
- pandas
- matplotlib
- numpy
- tqdm
- seaborn
Generated with gmx angle
(see GROMACS_ANALYZE_dihedral_analysis
gmx angle -type dihedral -f $i/md.xtc -n $ff-dih1.ndx -od $j-dih1-dist.xvg -ov $j-dih1-ts.xvg
gmx angle -type dihedral -f $i/md.xtc -n $ff-dih2.ndx -od $j-dih2-dist.xvg -ov $j-dih2-ts.xvg
Tar file with data.
Use bin/
to get the data.
Shujie generated the data