Here is some of my past research work in mathematics.
The article Solving Irreducible Stochastic Mean-Payoff Games and Entropy Games by Relative Krasnoselskii–Mann Iteration was written in the framework of a research projet during my third year at Ecole Polytechnique, thanks to the brilliant supervision of Professors Marianne Akian and Stéphane Gaubert, and was accepted at Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2023 and can be found here
At the end of my 3rd year, I spent 5 months at Imperial College to do research under the supervision of Pr. Antoine Jacquier and Ioannis Gasteratos. You can find my report and slides of oral presentation in this section.
The file Mean_field_limit is my report on a second research project I did during my third year at Ecole Polytechnique.