This project is a sample tvOS application demonstrating the usage of silent push notifications.
Attention! This demo requires a real Apple TV device running tvOS 11.0 or higher and certificate for push notifications (uploaded in Backendless console)
You can see a demo of this app in the following video.
Follow the instructions below to clone the repo and run the app on your device:
- Open a Terminal window and run the following command
git clone'
- Change the current directory to the directory of the repo by running the following command:
cd AppleTvPushNotificationsDemo
- Install cocoapods which includes Backendless SDK and its dependendencies:
It is recommended to run the following command too to make sure you have the latest version of the pod:
pod install
pod update
- Once all of the pods are downloaded / updated, an Xcode project workspace file is created. This is the file you use to work with your app.
- Open the AppleTvPushNotificationsDemo.xcworkspace file with Xcode
- Open the AppDelegate.swift file and change the
values to include yours from the Backendless Console Manage tab.