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Newsletter for EPiServer

An open source module for sending newsletters from your EPiServer CMS or Commerce site. You can send the content from pages based on one or more newsletter pagetypes to multiple recipients, using a cloud service or your own SMTP server.

This is a port of the old EPiSendMail (BV Network Newsletter) module from EPiCode, rewritten to support EPiServer CMS and Commerce 7.5 and newer (including 8 and 9).


  • Create newsletters as pages in EPiServer
  • Uses recipient lists to hold your email addresses
  • Example templates with responsive email design using Zurb Ink (you can use any framework, or hand code your email markup from scratch).
  • Will inline CSS to help make the email look correct in all (major) email clients
  • Configurable sender system (supports SMTP Server, pick up directory, Mailgun and SendGrid
  • Send newsletters to contacts in Commerce using filtered contact lists

Additional Features when using Mailgun or SendGrid

  • Supports large amount of emails
  • Low cost per email
    • Mailgun: first 10.000 emails per month are free
    • SendGrid: first 12.000 emails per month are free (limited to 400 per day)
  • Supports tracking of delivery, open and clicks (using Mailgun and SendGrid)
  • Supports the Mailgun campaign feature to get a better overview of your newsletters
  • Variable substitution in the email markup (for adding the recipient email address to unsubscribe links for an example).


The installation is done through Visual Studio using the EPiServer Nuget Feed (currently located on

Main Newsletter Add-on (includes SMTP and Mailgun senders):

Install-Package EPiCode.Newsletter

Send using SendGrid:

Install-Package EPiCode.Newsletter.SendGrid

Commerce Integration:

Install-Package EPiCode.Newsletter.Commerce

MVC Examples for Alloy:

Install-Package EPiCode.Newsletter.Examples

Note! The examples package has requirements to code and configuration in the Alloy MVC sample. It will most likely fail to compile if you install it in a custom built site. It also uses Bootstrap for the CSS.

Build your site after installation, log in to edit mode and open the Newsletter main menu. You will be asked to create the necessary database tables and scripts needed by the module. Click the button and the Newsletter module is ready for use.

Example Newsletter Designs

In addition to the Newsletter module itself, you also need a layout and design for the newsletter, that works across as many Email clients as possible. The MVC Examples for Alloy has two example newsletters based on the Zurb Ink framework.

Note! The unsubscribe link in the example templates uses variable substitution, and requires Mailgun or SendGrid.

Creating Your Own Newsletter Design

The module will send a page in EPiServer CMS if it inherits the NewsletterBase base class. You should add additional properties to your own page (inheriting the NewsletterBase class) that you will use as content in your newsletter.

Note! If you use content areas in your newsletter, and add pages and blocks to it, make sure you have special renderers (using a tag), since the default page and block renderers in your project will probably not look good in an email. You might also want to restrict what types of content the editor is allowed to add to the content area, to prevent adding content that will not render correctly in the email.

You can have multiple newsletter pagetypes for different designs, just make sure you inherit the NewsletterBase base class in order to show the editor view for it.

If you want to have a plain text version of the newsletter as part of the same email, add a MainBodyText property to your newsletter page type. The different senders will use the content of this property as the plain text version of the email (both HTML and plain text is then sent as part of the same email). Email clients that does not support display of HTML can then fall back to the plain text version instead.


The module supports sending emails through different mail senders (also called a ''sender engine''):

  1. Recommended: Mailgun ( or SendGrid (
  2. Built-in SMTP support (default)
  3. aspnetEmail component from AdvancedIntellect (license purchase required). Note! This sender is not actively supported and will eventually be removed from the module.

Note! We recommend using a cloud sender (Mailgun or SendGrid), as it has the most features and offloads the sending process to the cloud.

Configuration Settings in web.config

When you install the module using Nuget, the following configuration is added to web.config:

    <section name="epicodeNewsletter" type="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.Configuration.NewsletterConfigurationSection, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail" />
<epicodeNewsletter senderType="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.Library.MailSenderNetSmtp, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail" ignoreServiceStatus="false">
        <add name="RecipientList" displayName="Add from one of your Recipient Lists" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/recipientprovider.ascx" />
        <add name="TextImport" displayName="Import from text" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/TextImportProvider.ascx" />
        <add name="EPiServerGroup" displayName="Add email addresses from an EPiServer Group" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/EPiServerGroupProvider.ascx" />
        <add name="CommerceUsers" displayName="Add email addresses from Commerce Contacts" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/CommerceUsersProvider.ascx" />

Note! The configuration section was added in version 3.2.0. Prior to this, the sendertype was stored in <appSettings>.

Important! When you uninstall the module, you need to remove the settings from web.config manually.

Available Sender Engines

The default is the MailSenderNetSmtp engine. Change the senderType to select another sender engine.

SMTP Server: <epicodeNewsletter senderType="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.Library.MailSenderNetSmtp, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail">

Mailgun: <epicodeNewsletter senderType="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.Library.MailSenderMailgun, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail">

SendGrid: <epicodeNewsletter senderType="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.SendGrid.MailSenderSendGrid, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.SendGrid">

Note! Mailgun and SendGrid requires additional settings.

Recipient List Providers

You can configure which recipient list providers should be available for the user to add

    <add name="RecipientList" displayName="Add from one of your Recipient Lists" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/recipientprovider.ascx" />
    <add name="TextImport" displayName="Import from text" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/TextImportProvider.ascx" />
    <add name="EPiServerGroup" displayName="Add email addresses from an EPiServer Group" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/EPiServerGroupProvider.ascx" />
    <add name="CommerceUsers" displayName="Add email addresses from Commerce Contacts" url="/modules/epicode.newsletter/plugin/recipientitemproviders/CommerceUsersProvider.ascx" />

Note! This configuration feature is not available prior to version 3.2.0

Configuring SMTP

When installing the module, the default sender is the built-in SMTP client in .NET. In order to send emails using SMTP, you need to configure the standard mailSettings in web.config:

Example using smtp server. There are more settings you can configure for password protected servers, ssl support etc.

    <smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="[email protected]">
      <network host="your.smtp.server"/>

You can also use a pick up directory if you have a SMTP server on your network that can access the pickup directory. The pickup directory delivery is preferable to network, as sending emails goes a lot faster, and you are less likely to get timeouts in the scheduled job.

    <smtp deliveryMethod="SpecifiedPickupDirectory" from="[email protected]">
      <specifiedPickupDirectory pickupDirectoryLocation="c:\temp\email-pickup-directory" />

Note! The pickupDirectoryLocation can be on a network share.

Configuring Mailgun

Change the senderType of the <epicodeNewsletter> section in web.config to use Mailgun:

<epicodeNewsletter senderType="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.Library.MailSenderMailgun, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail">

You also need to add the following <appSettings> values in order for the Mailgun sender to be able to authenticate aginst it's REST API.

<add key="Mailgun.ApiKey"    value="your-mailgun-api-key-here" />
<add key="Mailgun.Domain"    value="your-mailgun-domain-here" />
<add key="Mailgun.PublicKey" value="your-mailgun-public-key-here" />
<add key="Mailgun.EuDomain"  value="true" />

The Api keys can be found on the Mailgun Account home page:

You also need to configure your mail sending domain for your Mailgun account, which is well described on your Mailgun account page. For testing purposes, you can use the sandbox domain that is created when you register your Mailgun account.

Configuring SendGrid

Change the senderType of the <epicodeNewsletter> section in web.config to use SendGrid:

<epicodeNewsletter senderType="BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.SendGrid.MailSenderSendGrid, BVNetwork.EPiSendMail.SendGrid">

EPiCode.Newsletter.SendGrid 11.4.1 or newer

Add a new appsetting to web.config:

  <add key="Newsletter.SendGrid.ApiKey" value="yoursendgridapikey"  />

EPiCode.Newsletter.SendGrid 9.0.0 or older

Add a new connectionString to configure your SendGrid account:

  <add name="EPiCode.Newsletter.SendGrid" connectionString="username=sendgridusername;password=sendgridpassword" providerName="Custom" />

Note! You can create additional SendGrid users that only has access to the API, and not the full administration interface. It is recommended to create a separate account in order to provide access to the SendGrid API only.

Access Rights

By default, only members of the CmsAdmins and NewsletterEditors roles are allowed to send newsletters. You can add NewsletterEditors as a virtual role and add other roles to it if you do not want to add it as a group with individual users.

Example setting up a virtual role (in episerver.framework section of web.config):

        <add name="NewsletterEditors" 
			 type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework" 
			 roles="WebEditors, WebAdmins" 
			 mode="Any" />

Disable Service Warning

In a load balanced environment, it is common to only let one server run scheduled jobs. You might not want to report that the scheduler is disabled, as this could confuse editors to think that the module is not working. On servers where the scheduler is disabled, set ignoreServiceStatus="true" on the epicodeNewsletter section. This will remove "The Scheduler is not running!" warning from the Newsletter UI.


If you get an error during startup like this: Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0' please check your web.config and remove any duplicate ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0 handlers (under system.webServer)

Missing Assembly Redirects

In some cases, there are missing assembly redirects for some of the System.Net and System.Web assemblies. Make sure you have these (or newer versions) in your web.config:

    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Net.Http.Formatting" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http.WebHost" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Net.Http" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Important! You might have never versions of these referenced in your project. Make sure you check the actual versions of the assemblies before you add the redirects.


This module is open source and unsupported. Feel free to register new issues though.



  • EPiServer CMS 7.9 or newer
  • .NET 4.5


  • PreMailer.Net (1.2.6 or newer)
  • Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi (5.1.2 or newer)
  • RestSharp (104.4.0 or newer)


  • EPiServer Commerce 7.5 or newer for custom recipient lists

Contributions by

  • BV Network AS
  • Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon (DSS)