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Web Development Projects Made So Far:
Using only HTML5 and CSS3 with media rules for 3 breakpoints (320px, 768px and 992px). Mobile-First Design.
Fully Responsive Page: Demo
Using HTML5, Bootstrap, alongwith custom CSS animations and rules. Also added some jQuery (isotope plugin) for fun.
Fully Responsive Page: Demo
Based on the given PSD, Created a responsive page in HTML5, Bootstrap, and added some custom css and jquery magic!
Fully Responsive Page (from PSD): Demo
Based on ArtonCapital's arton tools section. A revamp of 3 of those tools using PHP, MySQL, AJAX. 4th tool was completed using Travelscope by Markus Lerner. A completely responsive site made with Bootstrap4, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery3.1
Fully Functional Website (FrontEnd & BackEnd - PHP based): Demo not possible on GithubPages as per ToS.