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ShepRD Transfer Tool

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Readme RTG2416 Data Transfer Tool

  1. Introduction
  2. How to use
  3. Readout
  4. Changelog
  5. Upcoming changes
  6. Credits

1. Introduction

The RTG 2416 Data Transfer Tool provides the possibility to keep track of recorded data within a group of researchers without increasing the effort and time of regular data handling.

2. How to use

2.1 SQL Database

Connect the tool to a SQL-database. Inside of the code, several positions are marked with "xxxxxxx". The variables are named "host", "user"and "password". Insert here the information you got from your IT admin.

2.2 Compiling

There are only standard packages used from a recent Anaconda distribution. Test the in your Python installation and compile it to an exe-file for unexperienced users. Follow the documentation here:

2.3 Installation

Put the compiled exe-file on your setup computers, where it can be easily found. The amount of space is capped by the size of the file.

2.4 Use


Experimenter: Name of the Experimenter

Project: The projects are loaded from an sql-database. This database need to be set up beside there experimental sql-database

Subprojects: The subprojects are also in the respective sql-databise in alignment to the main projects

Data and Time: Automatic timestamp

Source: The source of the files, which needs to be transfered

Destination: The place, where the files are transfered to

Strain: A list of used strains, which needs to be defined in a sql-database. This can be varied to other species in the source code.

Mouse ID: Internal Id of an animal. Can be varied for other species in the source code

Comment: Free Text for additional comments

Allowed Datatypes: Along the projects, valid datatypes need to be defined. This is a check for plausibility of the data.

ID: A globally unique ID to identify the dataset without a doubt.

Elab Link: Link to the corresponding page in the electronic labbook.

Did you check your entries?: Checkbox to remind user to check their entries

Experiment succesful?: Checkbox to have the direct information, if the experiment was succesful or not.

3. Readout

The sql database is filled with different information. According to the used system, the database can be viewed with the known SQL-statements as "SELECT * FROM databasename". Further tools to visualize the readout of the database is in progress.

4. Changelog

v0.1 Release Testversion 16.06.20

5. Upcoming changes

6. Credits

The programm was developed and written by Christopher Wiesbrock within the Reasearch Training Group 2416 "Multisenses - Multiscales" and was funded by the DFG.