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How to deploy

beygorghor edited this page May 31, 2022 · 5 revisions

0. Make sure everything is there

  • run the tests
  • check with team mates

For IASO deployment make sure you ran eb init with following info

eb init
Select a default region
5) eu-central-1 : EU (Frankfurt)
Select an application to use
4) Iaso
Do you wish to continue with CodeCommit? (y/N) (default is n): n

1. Prepare assets

To avoid long/failing deployment, we commit the production assets in the repository

git checkout development
git pull
rm hat/assets/webpack/*
npm run webpack-prod
git add hat/assets/webpack/
git commit -m 'Committing assets'
git push

Troubleshooting :

  • npm install : might be needed

2. Deploy to staging

Make sure you have eb installed and run eb init

Then you deploy the development branch to staging

eb use Iaso-staging
eb deploy

eb deploy will take of (via container commands see ./.ebextensions/50_container_commands.config)

  • deploying
  • copying the resources and putting them in S3
  • running the pending migrations

Troubleshooting :

3. Deploy to production

Technically : we should merge development in master, and deploy master in production but for the momenent use "just deploy" to developement to prod

eb use Iaso-env
eb deploy

Check the production

Troubleshooting :

4. Deploy to playground

For the Playground, deploy as for staging and prod for the web server, but you also need to update the jupyter server (using the pem file you can find on 1password)

Note jupyter is currently using the development branch too.

ssh -i ~/.ssh/lightsail.pem [email protected]
cd iaso
git pull
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
killall python
nohup ./ &

Obviously, a more stable playground setup would be welcome.

Troubleshooting :

  • UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! : chmod 600 ~/.ssh/lightsail.pem