prepare the folder structure
fill in the sourcedata with the .mff files
fill in the corresponding .set .fdt files
open the example.json in your cloned repo and change the values to correspond to your default.
see here the documentation of the BIDS .json file: https://bids-specification.readthedocs.io/en/stable/04-modality-specific-files/03-electroencephalography.html
open Matlab (I have used 2018b but it should work for others too)
make sure EEGLAB is installed
open eeglab by typing
close it again (this is to make sure the paths are set correctly and the functions are accessible)
select the script depending on:
when you have different session use the session one:
when you only have different tasks, but just one session per participant use
(this means that every "eeg" folder contains the data directly and no "ses" folder
run the script
select the folder
verify everything run properly
- go through all subfolders
- open the .set files it finds
- save these files as .edf
- modify the following values in the .json:
- TaskName
- SamplingFrequency
- EEGChannelCount
- RecordingDuration
- EEGReference