The whole idea of this contract is to implement the CW721 standard.
It lacks things, like minting a random token instead of doing it sequentially, but this is yet a WPI (so far).
The contract allows for three different types of methods for storing token metadata:
- store - stores one token metadata
- store batch - batch metadata token storing with "heavy" costs
- store conf - An optimized TX that accepts the repetitive info once and the attributes for the metadata in bulk
It also allows to mint one token or mint in batch with configurable max amount.
It also allows the new owner of the token to burn their tokens based on configuration and disallow the original minter to rebuy or burn the tokens
- Batch burn and mint
- Configuration for token owners to be able to burn tokens
- Configurable denom and amount
- Increasiable current supply and configurable total supply
- Mint start and end date
- It sends the funds to a configured wallet
- Max mint batch
- Toggle freeze contract operations
- InitMsg store conf (see exameple below)
- Toggle pause and freeze
- Migrate with clear of state and without but both with config
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
// defaults to this msg sender
pub admin: Option<String>,
// Name of the NFT contract
pub name: String,
// symbol of the NFT
pub symbol: String,
// end and start date of minting, optional
pub dates: mint::Dates,
// cost amount and name of the denom
pub cost: mint::Costs,
// burn cofiguration to allow only admin or token owners
pub burn: mint::Burn,
// maximum token supply
pub token_supply: Uint128,
// wallet that recieves the funds
pub wallet: mint::Wallet,
// defaults to 10
pub max_mint_batch: Option<Uint128>,
// Used for StoreConf call but can be provided during the call
pub store_conf: StoreConf,
pub struct Burn {
// peoplo who whold the tokens
pub owners: bool,
// the admin of the contract
pub admin: Option<String>,
// admin can burn owned
pub can_burn_owned: bool
// Start and end dates of the minting, both are optional
// if there is a start it will accept mints in that date
// if there is no end it's endless
pub struct Dates {
pub start: Option<Timestamp>,
pub end: Option<Timestamp>,
pub struct Costs {
pub denom: String,
pub amount: Uint128,
impl Default for Costs {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
denom: String::from("ujuno"),
amount: Uint128::from(1000000u64)
// sends funds to this wallet
pub struct Wallet {
pub name: String,
pub wallet: Addr,
impl Default for Wallet {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
name: String::from(""),
wallet: Addr::unchecked(String::from("")),
pub struct StoreConf {
pub name: String,
pub desc: String,
pub ipfs: String,
pub attributes: Vec<String>,
impl Default for StoreConf {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
name: String::from("nft"),
desc: String::from("desc"),
ipfs: String::from("ipfs://"),
attributes: vec![],
"store_conf": {
"conf": {
"desc": "",
"ipfs": "",
"name": "",
"attributes": []
"attributes": []
"store_conf": {
"conf": {
"desc": "my amazing nft",
"ipfs": "",
"name": "MyNFT",
"attributes": [
"attributes": [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 2, 3],
[5, 7, 8]