Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) based Name Service
Non-Fungible Tokens are great way to represent unique objects. They can be also grouped, transfered, burned, which makes them good candidate for implementing name service - resolving name to SLP address and the reverse - address to name.
Youtube video with project demonstration
Two CLI application:
Management Application (Register):
- add new TLD domain (example:
etc.) - sure uniqueness - list domains - TLDs only, some TLD domains
- register user domain inside TLD (example:
- add new TLD domain (example:
Name service resolver:
- return SLP address for given name
- return name for given SLP address
Used packages:
The Name service is implemented as two separate independent tools:
nft-ns-admin - Administration tool (Register):
- Create new TLD register
- List all TLDs
- List user names in givel TLD
- Register new name in given TLD
- Transfer user name to different owner
For more details see nft-ns-admin documentation
nft-ns-query - Query tool (Resolver):
- Resolve name to SLP address
- Reverse resolve SLP address to name
For more details see nft-ns-query documentation
- Web interface (at least to check for existance, register and list domains)
- Change slp-cli-wallet wallet to support the name based tokens send
- Meta information (profile picture etc.) for each name - maybe saved to IPFS