by: B C Allanach, P Athron, A Bednyakov, M Bernhardt, T Cridge, D Grellscheid, M Hanussek, C H Kom, S Martin, D Robertson, R Ruiz de Austri, P Slavich, L Tunstall, A Voigt and A G Williams
This program provides a SUSY spectrum in the NMSSM, or the MSSM including flavour violation and with or without R-parity consistent with input Standard Model fermion mass/mixings and electroweak/strong coupling data. The R-parity violating mode can calculate neutrino masses and mixings to 1 loop. SOFTSUSY can be used in conjunction with other programs for many different particle physics calculations. SOFTSUSY now has a mode with 3 loop RGEs and some 2-loop threshold correction and 2-loop SUSY QCD corrections to gluino and squark pole masses. SOFTSUSY now computes decay branching ratios for the MSSM and NMSSM. It also ships with (and links to) Himalaya-1.0 for three-loop corrections to mh0.
- SOFTSUSY-4.1.20 (23/8/23): Fixed SLHA output which was giving the wrong RPV inputs. SOFTSUSY-specific SLHA input options given automatically printed out now in SLHA output. Fixed dm^2(atm) in neutrino output for RPV mode. Also, corrected RPV pMSSM SLHA output, adding rpvPmssmInput to repository.
- SOFTSUSY-4.1.19 (16/8/23): improved 2/3 body neutralino/chargino decays. Previously, there were occasionally numerical problems yielding junk for a (very heavy) RH sneutrino contribution. The RH sneutrino parts have now been explicitly decoupled. Thanks to S Kraml and T Pascal for reporting the bug.
- SOFTSUSY-4.1.18 (25/7/23): improved 2/3 body neutralino decays. Occasionally, SOFTSUSY would find neutralino2 to be stable when in fact it really had 3 body decays. This occured when the decay of the running mass of the Z would allow 2 body decays but not the pole mass. Thanks to S Kraml and T Pascal for reporting the bug.
- SOFTSUSY-4.1.17 (2/2/23): improved documentation for github
Previous releases (4.1.13 and before) can be obtained from the old website
See for quick installation and run-test instructions.
For other ultra-basic instructions, see the introduction video. Otherwise, see a quick tutorial given at BUSSTEPP 2012.
Note that the executables are actually wrapper scripts, the "true" executables lie in the directory .libs/
If you use SOFTSUSY to write a paper, please cite (see MCnet guidelines) - collected in soft.bib the manuals (up-to-date manuals included with distribution in doc
is the main one for the R-parity conserving MSSM: the base for all others: B.C. Allanach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 143 (2002) 305-331, hep-ph/0104145decays.pdf
details calculations of sparticle and Higgs decays in the MSSM/NMSSM: B.C. Allanach and T. Cridge, Comput. Phys. Comm. 220 (2017) 417, arxiv:1703.09717nmssmManual.pdf
describes the NMSSM implementation: B.C. Allanach, P. Athron, L. Tunstall, A. Voigt and A. Williams, Comput. Phys. Comm. 185 (2014) 2322, arXiv:1311.7659rpvManual.pdf
for R-parity violating generalisation: B.C. Allanach and M.A. Bernhardt, Comput. Phys. Commun. 181 (2010) 232, arXiv:0903.1805neutManual.pdf
on the one-loop calculation of neutrino masses and lepton mixing in the R-parity violating MSSM: B.C. Allanach, M. Hanussek and C.H. Kom, Comput. Phys. Commun. 183 (2012) 785, arXiv:1109.3735threeLoop.pdf
describes the inclusion of three-loop MSSM RGEs and two-loop threshold corrections: B.C. Allanach, A. Bednyakov and R. Ruiz de Autri, Comput. Phys. Commun. 189 (2015) 192, arXiv:1407.6130ho.pdf
describes the inclusion of two-loop SUSYQCD corrections to squark and gluino pole masses: B.C. Allanach, Stephen P. Martin, David G. Robertson and Roberto Ruiz de Austri, Comput. Phys. Commun. 05 (2017) 006, arXiv:1601.06657
An example point including the calculation of sparticle decays, neglecting modes with a branching ratio of less than 1.0e-5, and outputting the partial widths in the comments:
./softpoint.x gmsb --n5=2 --mMess=1.0e6 --LAMBDA=5.0e5 --tanBeta=10 --sgnMu=1 --decays --minBR=1.0e-5 --outputPartialWidths
For queries regarding decay calculations please contact Tom Cridge
For Himalaya-1.0 three-loop corrections to mh0, you must first install the package Eigen. Then do:
./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/eigen3" --enable-two-loop-gauge-yukawa-compilation --enable-himalaya; make
After this, setting the SLHA SOFTSUSY BLock
parameter 7 (number of Higgs mass loops) to 3 will include the corrections. If you use this option, you should cite [1], [6] and
- Robert V. Harlander, Jonas Klappert, Alexander Voigt, Eur. Phys. J. C77 (2017) 814, arXiv:1708.05720
- P Kant, R Harlander, L Mihaila, M Steinhauser, JHEP 1008 (2010) 104, arXiv:1005.5709
Block SOFTSUSY # SOFTSUSY specific inputs
1 <TOLERANCE> # desired fractional accuracy in output
2 <MIXING> # quark mixing option
3 <PRINTOUT> # gives additional verbose output during calculation
4 <QEWSB> # change electroweak symmetry breaking scale
5 <INCLUDE_2_LOOP_SCALAR_CORRECTIONS> # Full 2-loop running in RGEs
6 <PRECISION> # number of significant figures in SLHA output
7 <numHiggsLoops> # number of loops in REWSB/mh calculation
8 <susyRpvBCatMSUSY> # Switch MSUSY-scale RPV boundary conditions ON
9 <invertedOutput> # RPV neutrino output uses normal hierarchy (=0.0) or inverted (=1.0)
10 <forceSlha1> # if =1, tries to force output into SLHA *1* format
11 <m32> # sets gravitino mass to m32
12 <printSpectra> # Prints spectrum even when point is theoretically excluded if=1
13 <mAFlag> # If=0 (default), sets tachyonic mA=0, otherwise mA=sqrt(|mA|^2)
15 <NMSSMTools> # If=1, enables NMSSMTools compatible SLHA2 output
16 <MICROMEGAS> # Micromegas options for NMSSMTools use: 1=RD, 2=DD, 3=ID, 4=both
17 <NMSDECAY> # If=1, flags for sparticle decays to be calculated via NMSDECAY
18 <SoftHiggsOut> # If=1, then the EWSB conditions output soft Higgs masses in NMSSM
19 <threeLoopRGEs> # If=1, then 3-loop MSSM RGEs included (default of 0 to disable)
20 <gyThresholds> # If>0, switch on gauge/Yukawa two-loop thresholds (see manual [6] for details). If=31, they all are switched on (default 0 to disable).
22 <2-loop squark/gluino> # Include 2-loop terms in gluino/squark masses (default of 0 to disable)
23 <expandAroundGluinoPole> # sets expandAroundGluinoPole parameter (default 3)
24 <minBR> # If decay BR is below this number, don't output that mode
25 <threeBodyDecays> # If set to 0, don't calculate 3-body decays (1=default)
26 <outputPartialWidths> # If set to 1, output partial widths (0=default)
27 <MQEDxQCD> # Set scale at which QEDxQCD is matched to MSSM (mt=default)
If the 2-loop SUSY QCD corrections to squark and gluino masses are required, do
./configure --enable-two-loop-sparticle-mass-compilation
An example point using the higher order terms can be run with, for example,
./softpoint.x sugra --tol=1.0e-4 --m0=1000 --m12=1000 --a0=0 --tanBeta=10 --sgnMu=1 --two-loop-sparticle-masses --two-loop-sparticle-mass-method=1
If the high accuracy mode with 3-loop RGEs and some 2-loop threshold corrections is required, do
./configure --enable-full-susy-threshold-compilation --enable-three-loop-rge-compilation
An example point using the high accuracy mode can be run with, for example,
./softpoint.x sugra --tol=1.0e-5 --m0=7240 --m12=800 --a0=-6000 --tanBeta=50 --sgnMu=1 --mt=173.2 --alpha_s=0.1187 --mbmb=4.18 --two-loop-susy-thresholds --three-loop-rges
See [6] for more details.
: example C++ test program - calculates spectrum of SPS1a mSUGRA point with varying tan beta. Main program:src/main.cpp
. Output:inOutFiles/outputTest
: example NMSSM test program - loops over tan beta. Main program:src/main-nmssm.cpp
. Output:inOutFiles/outputTest-nmssm
: example C++ test program - calculates spectrum of SPS1a mSUGRA point with varying lambda'_{331}(M_GUT). Main program:src/rpvmain.cpp
. OutputinOutFiles/rpvOutputTest
: example neutrino mass calculating R-parity violating test program. Main programsrc/rpvNeut.cpp
. OutputinOutFiles/neutOutputTest
: command-line interface. GMSB, AMSB, mSUGRA and general boundary conditions possible, icluding SLHA. Main program:src/softpoint.cpp
. See for examples of reading in SLHA files and producing output.
contains these instructionsinOutFiles/lesHouchesInput
is an alternative input file in the SUSY Les Houches Accord (SLHA) formatinOutFiles/nmssmSLHAnoZ3Input
is an SLHA2 NMSSM input file without assuming Z3 symmetryinOutFiles/nmssmSLHAZ3Input
is an SLHA NMSSM input file with the Z3 assumptioninOutFiles/slha2Input
is an alternative input file in the SUSY Les Houches Accord 2 format for SPS1a'inOutFiles/rpvHouchesInput
is an alternative input file in the SUSY Les Houches Accord format for R-parity violation
Source files are to be found in the src/
subdirectory. The inOutFiles/
directory contains input and output files. doc/
contains the manuals (see above).
There are detailed comparisons between SOFTSUSY and other publicly available programs in
- Uncertainties in the Lightest CP Even Higgs Boson Mass Prediction in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: Fixed Order Versus Effective Field Theory Prediction, B.C. Allanach and A. Voigt, Eur.Phys.J. C78 (2018) no.7, arxiv:1804.09410
- The Calculation of Sparticle and Higgs Decays in the Minimal and Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Models: SOFTSUSY4.0, B.C. Allanach and T. Cridge, Comput. Phys. Comm. 220 (2017) 417, arxiv:1703.09717
- Precise Determination of the Neutral Higgs Boson Masses in the MSSM, B.C. Allanach, A. Djouadi, J.L. Kneur, W. Porod, P. Slavich, JHEP 0409 (2004) 044, hep-ph/0406166
- Theoretical uncertainties in sparticle mass predictions from computational tools, B.C. Allanach, S. Kraml, W. Porod, JHEP 03 (2003) 045, hep-ph/0302102
and comparisons with NMSSM generators in
- B.C. Allanach and T. Cridge, Comput. Phys. Comm. 220 (2017) 417, arxiv:1703.09717
- Higgs mass predictions of public NMSSM spectrum generators, Staub et al, Comp. Phys. Comm. 202 (2016) 113, arXiv:1507.05093
- Improved predictions for intermediate and heavy Supersymmetry in the MSSM and beyond Staub and Porod, Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77, arXiv:1703.03267
SOFTSUSY Copyright (C) 2007 B.C. Allanach
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
See licenses