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This web page allows users to search for company initiatives using specific keywords and date ranges. It displays search results and offers the option to open multiple search pages simultaneously.
The Initiatives Search Tool is a web page that provides a user-friendly interface for conducting searches related to company initiatives. Users can enter a company name, specify start and end dates, and select keywords to enhance their search. The tool generates search results and allows users to open multiple search pages at once.
To use the Initiatives Search Tool, follow these steps:
- Open the web page in your web browser.
- Enter a company name in the "Company Name" field.
- Select start and end dates using the date input fields.
- Optionally, select keywords to narrow down your search.
- Click the "Search" button to generate search results.
- The results will be displayed in a grid, and each result includes a link to a Google search for the combined query.
You can also use the "Clear" button to reset the input fields or the "Open Pages" button to open multiple search pages at once.
The Initiatives Search Tool utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a user-friendly interface and handle search queries. Here's how it works:
- User input for the company name, date range, and keywords is collected.
- JavaScript generates search queries by combining the company name with selected keywords and the date range.
- Search results are displayed in a responsive grid, with links to Google searches for each query.
- Users can open multiple search pages by clicking the "Open Pages" button.
Contributions to the Initiatives Search Tool are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.