C++ wrapper for APR pools
must be called before using any APR lib and apr_terminate()
when you're done.
Pool p;
int *i = p.construct<int>(45);
char *str = p("string");
MyObject *o = p.construct<MyObject>();
void *mem = p.alloc(20);
/* or with the macro poolNew(p, obj, ...) */
struct MyObject { MyObject(int a, int b, int c) {} };
MyObject *o = poolNew(p, o, 1, 2, 3);
Allocators must be initialized from already existing memory pools by calling the specific constructor or using the getAllocator()
Pool p;
auto intAllocator1 = p.getAllocator<int>();
auto intAllocator2 = Pool::AprAllocator<int>(p);
Pool p;
auto allocator = p.getAllocator<int>();
// all of these are equivalent
std::vector<int, Pool::AprAllocator<int>> v({ 1, 2, 3 }, allocator);
auto vec2 = std::vector<int, decltype(allocator)>({ 4, 5, 6 }, allocator);
decltype(vec1) vec3({ 7, 8, 9 }, allocator););
You can specify a cleanup function
when attaching an already allocated object that will be called when the memory pool it's attached to is destroyed.
apr_status_t my_cleanup_function(void *data)
delete MyObject;
Pool p;
MyObject *o = new MyObject():
p.attach(o, (Pool::Callback)my_cleanup_function); //attach
p.detach(o, (Pool::Callback)my_cleanup_function); //unregister the specific cleanup function