A simple records system using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js with real-time Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations using Socket.io. REST API was implemented on the back-end. Semantic UI React was used for the UI.
Demo: https://mern-crud.herokuapp.com/
Download or clone.
git clone https://github.com/cefjoeii/mern-crud.git
Make sure MongoDB service is running.
The config folder contains a file named db.js. Before running locally, change the value of db as seen in the code below.
module.exports = {
db: 'mongodb://localhost/mern-crud'
For the back-end, install the dependencies once via the terminal.
npm install
Run the main server. It listens on port 3000.
node server
View it on the browser.
If you want to configure the front-end, go to react-src folder via the terminal.
cd react-src
Install the dependencies required by React once.
npm install
Run the development server for React. It listens on port 4200.
npm start
To make a production build, simply run on react-src folder.
npm run build
It re-creates a folder named public on the root directory. This is where the production-ready front-end of the web application resides.
- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- Real-time broadcast using Socket.io
- Deploy in Heroku
- Search
- Front-end validation; Pure back-end validation is expensive
- Routing / redirecting / whatever
- Learn Redux
- Learn creating tests