Releases: Axway-API-Management-Plus/apigw-maven-plugin
Release v1.2.1
Release v1.2.0.1
Remove dependencies which were added by accident.
No functional issues, just for cleanup.
Release v1.2.0
#55: Config Tool - Multiple base directories for certificates
The parameter --base-dir
can be specified multiple times.
The directories will be scanned for certificate files in the given order. If multiple certificate files exists the first one will be used.
#56: Config Tool - Read properties from stdin
If the filename of the --prop
parameter is a single dash -
, stdin will be used to read properties from a flat key/value JSON document.
Example of flat key/value JSON:
"prop1": "value1",
"prop2": "value2"
This feature can be used to read properties from external sources (e.g. AWS Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault).
# Get properties from Vault key/value engine
$ vault kv get -format=json kv/apim/dev | jq -r | --prop=- -p src/gw.pol -e src/gw.env -c config/gw.config.json
# Get properties from AWS Secrets Manager
$ aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id apim/dev | jq -r .SecretString | --prop=- -p src/gw.pol -e src/gw.env -c config/gw.config.json
Release v1.1.0
#52: Config Tool - error in case of non existing configuration file
In case the entity field configuration file doesn’t exist the following error occurs:
AttributeError: EnvConfig instance has no attribute '_EnvConfig__origin_json_str'
This is fixed. If the configuration file doesn’t exists the file will be created automatically.
#45: Docker capabilities
#51: Customized Version
Customized version name for .pol and .fed packages.
A new property axway.project.version is introduced to customize the version of .pol and .fed packages. As default the value will be set to ${project.version}. The version can be overwritten by a command line property or by a defined property within the pom.xml.
Command line
$ mvn clean package -Daxway.project.version="${project.version}-BN20201031"
#53: Support boolean values in property files
The property configuration now supports JSON boolean values (see example below).
"properties": {
"enabled": false
Release v1.0.1
#41: Improve Error Message
Improve error message in case of wrong certificate passphrase.
#46: Certificate base path ignored by apigw:deploy
Base path for certificates is ignored by apigw:deploy
goal (server or policy projects).
If the apigw:deploy
goal is executed for server or policy projects, the configuration of the base path for certificates is ignored.
Release v1.0.0
#39: Support for confidential properties.
For confidential properties the configuration tools supports to pass a secrets file. It is a JSON file where the values of the properties are encrypted by a key.
#40: Base directory for certificate files.
Use the --base-dir parameter of the configuration tool or the axway.config.certs.basedir property of the plugin to specify the base directory for certificate files.
Release v0.12.0
#35: Remove Certificates
A new certificate type empty
is introduced for the update
object of the certificate configuration file.
It indicates that a certificate will be updated with an empty certificate and therefore will be removed.
"to-be-deleted": {
"origin": {
"info": {
"not_after": "2020-08-23T20:24:00+02:00",
"subject": "CN=localhost, O=ACME Inc., C=EX"
"update": {
"type": "empty"
Type empty
will remove the certificate.
#36: "property" as default source
The default source for new environmentalized fields is property
Old default source
"field#0": {
"source": "value",
"type": "string",
"used": true,
"value": null
New default source
"field#0": {
"source": "property",
"type": "string",
"used": true,
"value": null
Release v0.11.2
#34: Issue on migrating config files having 'null' properties
For configuration files in the old format having fields with "property" attribute set to null, the field will not be upgraded to the newer version.
"fields": {
"attributeValue#0": {
"property": null,
"type": "string",
"used": true,
"value": "artifact"
This results in the error message:
ERROR: ValueError(u"Missing 'source' property in field 'xxxxxx' of entity 'xxxxxx'",)
The bug is fixed and the configuration files will be upgraded to the new version, now.
Release v0.11.1
#33: Inconsistent update of configuration files
The configuration files are only updated if they are changed.
Also a bug is fixed where the configuration will not be updated even if the used
state is changed.
If a field is marked as unused, the configuration wasn't updated even if the field is used now.
Release v0.11.0
#31: Read property content from file
The buildfed tool is enhanced to set properties from the content of a specified file.
command line parameter is introduced.
$ buildfed ... -F description:config/description.txt
This will define a new property description which is populated from the content of the description.txt file.
#32: Generate artifact information file
For server and deployment archives the plugin will generate a file. The file contains information about the version of the artifact and its dependencies.
On configuring the .fed package, the plugin passes the content of the file as property to the buildfed tool. This enables the developer to use the contained JSON document to build an endpoint providing information about the currently deployed version.