Create a fully functional website (ex Merklebits) using react technology. Merklebits is a parent company which has many ventures in different domains. Website should look professional, user friendly UI and shouldn’t take much loading time. Ventures can be assumed in e-commerce, education, digital marketing and finances. The Website should use three.js library to make it more interactive and give a unique look
- The Main Website is developed using React Framework. One can access its main file through React Folder following => ReactApp => src => Home.jsx, this will further lead to display of the main website.
- E Commerce => This Wesbite has its individual Folder which consists of its files
- Software => Software Folder has main contents present.
- Import & Export => Particular Folder in the repository to acccss the files and view it!
- Open the terminal in the folder
- Type "npm start"
- Then it will start
Click here for more info
- Akshay
Github(, LinkedIn( - Avnish
Github(, LinkedIn( - Anushka
Github(, LinkedIn( - Alaster
Github(, LinkedIn( - Yashodeep
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