Esports Uni League is a collegiate gaming organisation established in 2018. The website is fullstack and made by Audiovisuaali.
When creating this website I had two goals in my mind. Those two goals were and still are: good looking, well scaling and simple to use Web UI. Currently the website fully scales on all mobile devices and doesn't lose any functionality while doing so.
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to share the code, but here are the main higlights from the website
Before you take a look under the hood check out the website first and the sections that you can see as a visitor
The website offers fully fledged registering system. On top just registering and having sessions the moderators can decide who to accept and who to deny before you using the system based on their registration information. This form also offers incredible precision with animations and information confirmation.
The ticket system made mainly to help users in trouble to have a quick way to get an answer from the staff.
This section is made to comply repetitive question asked by the community. These sections can be removed, added and modified in the admin section. Questions are sorted by the amount of upvotes they get so the most useful ones are at the top!
Here the user controls his information. The user can change their username, bio, profile picture, siege settings and more.
The website also has a function to connect with discord. This is done to identify the user in the discord server.
The website allows you to create teams to compete
Invitation system allows people to join different teams.
Event system allows admins to create events for the users to join. Settings include: type(single/multi), name, introduction, indepth text, starting & ending time
Website is running on a fully fledged permission system. This allows admins to have full control of what a user is allowed to do.
Allows broadcasters to use realtime overlays which can be controlled from the website. Overlay allows different colors, scores and custom names. These specifications can also be collected from the existing teams in the system.
Upcoming features:
- News
- Dynamic privacy policy modification tool
- More options to the social tab
- Controlling bot to performs actions on the discord server from the web-ui