Welcome to the ECommerce Frontend Application README! This project is a React.js-based frontend for an eCommerce website, designed to provide a seamless shopping experience with dynamic UI elements and efficient data management.
This project is a frontend application for an eCommerce platform built using React.js. It includes features such as product listings, user authentication, cart management, and seamless checkout process. The application focuses on responsive design, efficient state management, and optimal user experience.
- Responsive UI: Designed with Bootstrap and CSS3 for a responsive and visually appealing user interface.
- Product Catalog: Dynamic product listings with detailed product pages.
- User Authentication: JWT-based authentication for secure user login and registration.
- Shopping Cart: Interactive cart functionality to add, remove, and update items.
- Checkout Process: Seamless checkout with online payment integration.
- State Management: Utilizes React Context API for efficient state handling across components.
- API Integration: Axios for API requests to fetch product data and manage user sessions.
- Performance Optimization: Lazy loading of images and code splitting for improved page load times.
- Accessibility: Ensures accessibility features for better user experience (ARIA attributes, keyboard navigation).
- React.js: Frontend library for building user interfaces.
- Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive design.
- Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for API requests.
- Yup: Validation form inputs and data.
- React Router: Declarative routing for React applications.
- React Context API: State management for React applications.
- JWT: JSON Web Tokens for secure authentication.
- HTML5 & CSS3: Markup and styling for web development.
- ES6+: Latest JavaScript syntax for modern web development.