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User Roles

Salanto edited this page Jun 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

Akashi includes a number of commands, which can be used in out-of-character chat. Commands work on a permission-based system, and clients will be able to use whatever commands they have permissions for. The permissions are:

To give a user permission besides NONE, which is the default permission, or CM, which is assigned to an area owner, they will need login into an account that is a member of a role that has the required permissions.
Configuring roles can be done in the acl_roles.ini configuration file. A command to do this inside your AO-Client will be added in the future.

Note that the root user's SUPER role is read-only and can't be edited to prevent lockout scenarios or other operational issues.

To create a new role, the server owner needs to add a new capture group into acl_roles.ini and set the permissions they want the role to have to true. Note that any permission not set will be set to false by default.

The layout of acl_roles.ini is as follows :

permission_name = <true|false>
other_permission_name = <true|false>

An example role could look like this :

ban = true
kick = true
mute = true
chat_moderator = true

This role can ban, kick, mute and use the moderator-only OOC chat.

Note that it will capture all configurations underneath the role name. A configuration like this :

ban = true
kick = true
mute = true
chat_moderator = true

modify_users = true

ban = true

Would still grant the supervisor role the permission to modify other user accounts.

The following permissions can be set on a role:

Permission Ini_Option Description
KICK kick Permission to kick another client from the server.
BAN ban Permission to permanently ban a client from the server.
BGLOCK lock_background Permission to control the background lock in the area.
MODIFY_USERS modify_users Permission to modify another user account
GLOBAL_TIMER global_timer Permission to edit the server's global timer.
EVI_MOD modify_evidence Permission to overwrite an areas evidence mode without being CM
MOTD motd Permission to edit the server's motto of the day.
ANNOUNCE announcer Permissions to allow server-wide announcements through the OOC chat.
MODCHAT chat_moderator Permission to use the servers moderator chat.
MUTE mute Permission to mute another client.
BYPASS_LOCKS bypass_locks Permission to bypass the area locks, allowing you to enter locked areas.
IGNORE_BGLIST ignore_background_list Permission to control if the area respects the background list or not.
SEND_NOTICE send_notice Permission to send a notice box to a client or the entire server.