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@daxkellie daxkellie released this 20 Nov 05:38
· 110 commits to main since this release

Object-oriented programming

  • galah 2.0.0 is now built around object-oriented programming principles. This architectural change makes query building in galah more modular and transparent. As a result, galah 2.0.0 allows for easier debugging and gives users options for more advanced query building (for more information, see "Object-oriented programming" vignette on galah website) (#183).

collapse(), compute(), collect()

  • New underlying architecture behind every function that pings an API in galah separates query building into 3 stages: Convert an object to a query_set that lists all APIs that will be pinged (collapse()), send the queries to required APIs (compute()), and return data as a tibble (collect()) (#183).
  • New architecture solves timing-out issue when downloading large numbers of records (#180, #192)

Major improvements to galah_filter()

  • galah_filter() has been upgraded to use a hierarchical parsing architecture suggested by Advanced R. As a result, galah_filter() is faster and evaluates expressions more consistently (#196, #169)
  • galah_filter() now supports, !, c() & %in% (#196)

Minor improvements

  • The potions package underlies galah_config() for better options management (#193)
  • Addition of slice_head() and desc() as masked functions to use in galah atlas_counts() query.
  • New vignettes added for advanced taxonomic, spatial and temporal filtering (#42)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed parsing of | in galah_filter() (#169)
  • show_values() errors nicely when API is down (#184)
  • Sporadic atlas$region error when loading galah fixed with potions package implementation (#178)
  • DOI is no longer missing as an attribute when atlas_occurrences(mint_doi = TRUE) (#182)
  • Fixed bug where the order of fields in group_by() sometimes caused an error (#201)
  • Fixed parsing of ampersands (&) in query results (#203)
  • galah builds correct data_request object when wrapped by a function (#207)