ATLauncher is a Launcher for Minecraft which integrates multiple different ModPacks to allow you to download and install ModPacks easily and quickly.
Please note that I (RyanTheAllmighty) have created this alone up until now and being a 1st year Computer Science student, my coding may not be the best, most accurate or efficient, so please keep that in mind.
Other than that, I am releasing this as an Open Source project in hopes that others may contribute to better our Launcher and because I think Open Source is a good thing.
- Please keep all line lengths to 120 characters and use 4 spaces rather than tab characters
- Please keep all variables at the top of the class
- Please keep all inner classes at the bottom
- Please don't use star imports
- Please mark all classes that are to be de/serialized with Gson with the @Json annotation for other developers
- Please use the IntelliJ-Coding-Style.xml for the project (if using IntelliJ) in order to keep all formatting consistent
Download and install the latest version from Oracle's Java Downloads page.
Install Apache Maven via the official Apache Maven Install Docs.
Download and install launch4j.
Make sure to add the directory containing launch4jc to your executable path which for me on 64bit Windows was:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch4j
To get started with the code and plug in your own data, you need to create a src/main/java/com/atlauncher/data/ file. Below is a starter to get you going:
public class Constants {
public static final LauncherVersion VERSION = new LauncherVersion(1, 0, 0, 0);
public static final String API_BASE_URL = "";
public static final String PASTE_CHECK_URL = "";
public static final String PASTE_API_URL = "";
public static final Server[] SERVERS = new Server[] { new Server("Test", "", true, true) };
See below for explanations as to what each constant means.
This is a LauncherVersion object passed in the reserved, major, minor, revision ints for this version of the launcher. See the 'Versioning System' section below.
This is a link to your server side API for processing of leaderboard times and pack installs. This is optional and can be removed. We do not give implementation code, this is your own doing.
This is a link to the url where an instance of stikked is running (For instance this is how the launcher knows if the paste was successful by checking the response from the API for the url of the software.
This is a link to the create api command for the instance of stikked is running (For instance
This is an array of Server type elements the launcher uses as a base to download files.
To make the data the Launcher needs you will need to figure out your own server side way of doing that. You can create a system to do it automatically or you can manually do it by just popping the files on the server. The best way to get the file structure and contents is to examine the source code and the ATLauncher files it downloads.
Starting with version a new versioning system was put into place. It works off the following:
So for the major number is 2 and minor number is 1 and revision number is 0. Reserved is used as a base, only incremented on complete rewrites.
Major should be incremented when large changes/features are made.
Minor should be incremented when small changes/features are made.
Revision should be incremented when there are no new features and only contains bug fixes for the previous minor.
If you have questions or need any help please don't hesitate to email [email protected]
We have released this code under a Creative Commons license. In order to use this work, you must share the work under the same license as well as give proper attribution. In order to attribute us correctly you must provide a link to this original repository as well as give attribution to our website at
If you do use our code as a base, we require that you don't use our data from our servers and instead plug in your own data. Our servers are tuned to only accept data from our Launcher and block all other traffic. So it's imperative that you use your own data in your forked code.
You must also establish yourself as not being a part of our Launcher, and should rebrand. The one and only official ATLauncher is on our website
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit