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Ibexa content as DTO

Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.


This bundle give the possibility to visualize your contents data as a DTO (data transform object). A DTO (Data Transform Object) is a simple object with properties and getters/setters who store data. Ibexa Content object are complex and have a lot of information. A content object transformed into a DTO will be easier to read and use because it will contain only fields value (in current language for multiple languages).


  • PHP 8.1 or later
  • Ibexa 4.0 (Ibexa DXP) / Symfony 5.*


Step 1: Install Bundle

$ composer require HamHamFonFon/ibexa-content-dto

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    HamHamFonFon\IbexaContentDto\IbexaContentDtoBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Step 3 : Configure the Bundle

Configure directory_repository , directory_dto and content_type_groups values :

  • directory_repository: path where repositories will be created (e.g.: src/Repository/)
  • directory_dto: path where DTO will be created (e.g.: src/Entity/DTO/)
  • content_type_groups: list of content-groups ("Content" by default)
# config/packages/ibx_content_dto.yaml
  directory_repository: src/Path/To/Repository/Directory
  directory_dto: src/Path/To/Dto/Directory
    - Content
    - Custom group...   

Basic usages

DTO works in couple with a repository linked to it. DTO contains only fields values and repository retrieve data from your back-office helped with Ibexa repositories service.

Step 1: Create a couple DTO/Repository

There is two ways to create a couple DTO/repository


Create your DTO class, add properties (camelcase-style). Properties name must be same as fields identifier but in camel-case style. Your DTO needs to extend AbstractDto class and implements DtoInterface interface. Add getters/setters and mandatory methods.

Example, you have a content-type article with fields title (ezstring), title_long (ezstring), image_header (ezimage), text (ezrichtext), related_articles (ezobjectrelationlist) Your DTO will be like this :

use HamHamFonFon\IbexaContentDto\Entity\DtoInterface;
use HamHamFonFon\IbexaContentDto\Entity\Dto\AbstractDto;

class Article extends AbstractDto implements DtoInterface
    protected ?string $title;
    protected ?string $titleLong;
    protected $image;
    protected ?DOMDocument $text;
    protected ListDto $relatedArticles;

    // List of getters and setters...

     * @return array|null
    public function listObjectRelationListFields(): ?array
        return ['relatedArticles'];

You can add your own methods in the DTO if you have specific needs.


Just use symfony command php bin/console dto:create, both classes will be generated.

Step 2: Complete DTO

Step 3: Get an ibexa content into DTO

Step 4: Get a list of content into collection of DTO

Future evolution

  • Create or update content from a DTO


I accept contributions, please fork the project and submit pull requests.

Bugs and issues

In case you find some bugs or have question about this repository, open an issue and I will answer you as soon as possible.


Stéphane MEAUDRE [email protected]


Ibexa content as DTO






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