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Mamadou Sy edited this page Mar 25, 2016 · 9 revisions


Contains the list of properties accessible in the end user interface.

  <category id="general" name="General">
    <property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="renderingType" name="Rendering type" type="string">
      <description>Type of rendering</description>
        <option value="classic" text="Classic"/>
        <option value="image" text="Image"/>
    <property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="singleImage" name="Image for single question" type="file" fileExtension=".png, .gif, .jpg">
      <description>Image of single question when the rendering type is image</description>
    <property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="multipleImage" name="Image for multiple question" type="file" fileExtension=".png, .gif, .jpg">
      <description>Image of multiple question when the rendering type is image</description>
    <property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="other" name="Open-ended question for semi-open" type="question">
      <description>Additional open-ended question that could be use to emulate semi-open</description>


Category used to organize properties.

Attribute name Require Type Description
id true xsd:NCName Unique id of the category.
The id of the category could not be a reserved identifier.
name true xsd:normalizedString User friendly name of the category to show on the end user interface
collapsed 2.1.0 false xsd:boolean Collapse this category by default (default: false)


Property exposed to the end-user in order to configure the ADX.


The <property> element is polymorphic, the usage of the xsi:type attribute is require to make your XML file valid.
According to the xsi:type attributes could be optional or have different behaviour.

Currently the <property> has 2 xsi:type:

<property xsi:type="standardProperty">

Attribute name Require Type Description
xsi:type true xsd:QName Must always be “standardProperty” for the standard property.
id true xsd:NCName Unique id of the property.
It use to facilitate the access by the AskiaScript.
The id of the property could not be a reserved identifier.
Also see: <property xsi:type="askiaProperty">
name true xsd:normalizedString User friendly name of the property to show on the end user interface
type true Enumeration based on xsd:NCName
Property as string.
The string could be validate against a regular expression using the pattern attribute.
Property as number.
The number could be restricted using the min/max/decimal attributes.
Property as boolean.
The value must be true or false.
Property as color.
The format of the color could be specify using the colorFormat attribute.
Property as string.
Indicate the name of a resource file already register in the survey.
This file must be on the survey and accessible in the ../Resources/[Survey name]/ path.
question ADC only
Property as question.
Indicate other question that could be managed by the current ADC
Type of the property
mode false Enumeration based on xsd:NCName
Value which could not contains AskiaScript code.
Value which could contains AskiaScript code.
Using the dynamic value, the min, max, decimal, pattern, fileExtension attributes will be verified at the runtime.
If the AskiaScript code evaluated produce an invalid value then the default value will be used instead.
Indicates that the value of the property could embed AskiaScript code (default is ‘dynamic’)
visible false xsd:boolean Indicate if the property is visible by the user in the interface (private property, default it’s true)
require false xsd:boolean Indicate that a value is require for this property. (default true)

Additional attributes for the string property

Attribute name Require Type Description
pattern false xsd:normalizedString The regular expression pattern will be use to validate the value entered.

Additional attributes for the number property

Attribute name Require Type Description
min false numberPattern Indicates the minimum allowed value. (default ‘*’)
max false numberPattern Indicates the maximum allowed value. (default ‘*’)
decimal false numberPattern Indicate the maximum number of decimal digits allowed. (default 0)

Additional attributes for the color property

Attribute name Require Type Description
colorFormat false Enumerator based on xsd:NCName
Indicates the format of the color (default ‘rgb’)

Additional attributes for the file property

Attribute name Require Type Description
fileExtension false xsd:token with the following pattern
\))+\s,?\s*)+ Indicates the allowed extension(s) of the file separate with the coma. (default ‘.*’)

Additional attributes for the question property

Attribute name Require Type Description
chapter false xsd:boolean Indicates if the chapter is allowed (default false).
single false xsd:boolean Indicates if the single closed question is allowed (default false).
multiple false xsd:boolean Indicates if the multi-coded question is allowed (default false).
numeric false xsd:boolean Indicates if the numeric question is allowed (default false).
open false xsd:boolean Indicates if the open-ended question is allowed (default false).
date false xsd:boolean Indicates if the date question is allowed (default false).


Free form text to describes the aim of the property.
The description could be used by the AskiaDesign as tooltip or help panel.


Default value of the property.
This value will be cast according to the type of the property.


Attribute name Require Type Description
false xsd:normalizedString DEPRECATED IN THIS VERSION
This feature has been dropped and no more allowed


Enumerates all allowed values.
Will be appear as a drop-down in the user interface.


Allowed choice.

  • Self close node
  • Require
  • [2..n]
  • Parent node: <options>


Attribute name Require Type Description
value true xsd:normalizedString Value of the option
text true xsd:normalizedString User friendly text of the option.

<property xsi:type="askiaProperty">

Predefined system property auto-managed by the system.
All system properties id is a reserved identifier which could not be used in the standard <property xsi:type=“standardProperty”>.

Also see:

Attribute name Require Type Description
xsi:type true xsd:QName Must always be “askiaProperty” for the reserved askia property.
Also see:<property xsi:type="standardProperty">
id true Enumeration based on xsd:NCName
ADC only
Allows users to add an additional “Don’t know” answer to enforce the respondent answer.
Mostly used for open-ended, numeric and date questions.
ADC only
Allows users to indicates the max iterations they want to display for a question inside a loop.
This property is automatically generated by the system when the question is inside a loop.
It’s not require to mention it into the config file.
ADP only
Allows the back navigation.
Id of the system property to set.
visible false xsd:boolean Indicate if the variable is visible by the user in the interface AskiaDesign (private property, default it’s true)

<property xsi:type="askiaProperty" id="askia-theme">

This feature has been dropped and no more allowed

<property xsi:type="askiaProperty" id="askia-addDK">

ADC only

Once this system property is present in the config file, it allow user to generate an extra input for the “Don’t know” answer.
It’s specially useful for the non-closed questions such as open-ended, numeric or date.


The additional “Don’t know” answer could be accessible through the AskiaScript code:

Dim lastResponseIndex = CurrentQuestion.AvailableResponses.Count - 1

The standard equivalent definition of this system property is:

<property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="askia-addDK" name="Add &quot;Don't know&quot; input" type="boolean" mode="static">
   <description>Add a "Don't know" input to enforce the answer</description>


   <property xsi:type="askiaProperty" id="askia-addDK" />

<property xsi:type="askiaProperty" id="askia-maxIterations">

This system property is automatically displayed in the interface when the question is in a loop.
It allow user to indicates how many iterations he want to display.

The value associated is used in conjunction of the maxIterations attribute of the <output> element.
The system will use the minimal value of both.


It’s not necessary to explicitly create this property, the system will automatically create it.

Also see:

Output max iterations rules

The standard equivalent definition of this system property is:

<property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="askia-maxIterations" name="Max. iterations" type="number" mode="dynamic">
   <description>Indicates the maximum number of iterations to display</description>

<property xsi:type="askiaProperty" id="askia-enableBackNavigation">

ADP only

This system property is automatically displayed in the interface.
It allow user to indicates if he allow the back navigation inside the survey.


An ADP developer could ignore this information or hard-code a default value and hide it using the
`visible` attribute, but it’s strongly recommended to use it as much as possible.

The standard equivalent definition of this system property is:

<property xsi:type="standardProperty" id="askia-enableBackNavigation" name="Enable back navigation" type="boolean" mode="dynamic">
   <description>Enable the back navigation</description>

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