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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the base project in rails on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


[name='csrf-token'] is used to fetch token from meta tag so we could know if its from same session or not.

In app/views/tasks/_task.html.erb -> I have used data_id to get id of task and send it to controller from ajax call -> Data-action is part of stimulus js which by default triggers on click and call the particulur action of controller defined here 'click->tasks#toggle'

note: data-action of stimulus must be defined with data-controller or in nested inside.



Demo Project Live



What things you need to install the software and how to install them


Ruby version for this project is 3.1.2 rbenv is our recommened and preffered ruby version management software. If you don't have rbenv installed on your system. You can see the installation instructions here. For installing the ruby version, type in the following command on your terminal rbenv install 3.1.2.

One can check the installed ruby version by the following command ruby -v.

The output should be something like this ruby 3.1.2p0 .


Our preffered database managing software is Postgres. If not installed, one can look into their official documentation here and follow the steps as given.


Make sure you have git installed on your system, if you haven't, just refer this How to install Git.

Cloning the Repository

For cloning the Github repository and goto the project follow the following commands

git clone [email protected]:AsifNawaz2/Taskit.git
cd taskit
Rename application
be rails g rename:into $PROJECT_NAME$

Create and Migrate db

For setting up the migrations on your system, run the following commands on your system:

bundle exec rails db:create
bundle exec rails db:migrate

If a project has a seed file in it, one needs to run the following command as well:

bundle exec rails db:seed
Installing active storage
rails active_storage:install
rake db:migrate
For running the rubocop lint

The following command will fix all the rubocop offenses as per your .rubocop.yml file.

rubocop -a

If you just want to see the rubocop offenses, you normally type in rubocop.

NOTE: One can configure .rubocop.yml file in the project.

Using the spring-preloader

One can use the spring-preloader by using bin/rake prior to your rails commands for faster execution. For example, for running the rubocop with spring-preloader, bin/rake rubocop

Starting the rails applications

$ bundle exec rails s

Your application should be running on localhost:3000


Rails 7.0 (Hotwire)






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