A Simple Starter Template which helps to Deploy a Django Project on Vercel as a Serverless Function .
This App is Configured with Postgres as the Choice of Database.
- Configured with Static Files in Production.
- Compatable with Postgres/MySQL DB.
build.sh # Build Script for Vercel
poetry.lock # Lock All Dependency
pyproject.toml # Package Manager
requirements.txt # Python Requirements
static # Add Your Static (Empty on Purpose)
templates # Django Templates
backend # Django Project Root
vercel.json # Vercel Configuration
- Clone the Repo
cd ~/Dev/
mkdir django_vercel
cd django_vercel
git clone https://github.com/Arvind-4/Django-with-Vercel.git .
Create a Virtual Environment for Python
- using Poetry
virtualenv --python=python3.9 . source bin/activate poetry install
- using Virtualenv
virtualenv --python=python3.9 . source bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Locally
cd ~/Dev/django_vercel
python manage.py runserver