Changes (Okt 14, 2022):
- Maintenance: Ensure compatibility with WordPress 6.
- Security improvement: Fixed the Authenticated (admin+) Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
- Security improvement: Processing of options has been improved. All data is now sanitized and validated before use.
- Security improvement: Prevent direct access to the "inc/php/options.php" file.
- Fixed: Prints a warning: "Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /inc/php/enqueue.php on line 31".
- Fixed: Some options were not saved in the database due to the limitation of the PHP directive max_input_vars=1000.
- Maintenance: Processing of options has been improved. Direct retrieving of options from the database is replaced by the "_options" callback.
- Maintenance: Processing of options has been improved. The "_options" function has been rewritten.
- Maintenance: Processing of options has been improved. Explicit type definition technique is now used in variable declarations.
- Maintenance: The "inc/php/items-handler.php" file has been added.
- Maintenance: The "_get_items_all_slug" function has been added to the "inc/php/items-handler.php" file.
- Maintenance: The "_get_media_pairs_media" function has been renamed to "_get_items_media_pairs".
- Maintenance: The "_get_media_pairs_additional" function has been renamed to "_get_items_additional_pairs".
- Maintenance: The "_generator" function has been rewritten.
- Maintenance: The "_shortcode" function has been rewritten.
- Maintenance: The "_autoload" function has been rewritten.
- Maintenance: The contents of PHP files have been optimised; Code formatting and commenting improved.
- Maintenance: The "_test" function has been added to the "inc/php/options.php" file for development/testing purposes. It writes the options to a text file for the visualisation of options processing.
- Maintenance: Code formatting and commenting improved.
- Maintenance: The Support and Store tabs are disabled.
- Maintenance: The copyright date updated to support the 2022 year.