Consists cheifly of the ArrakisV1RouterStaking
contract for interacting with ArrakisV1 vaults.
Here are the official deployed routers on all networks:
Ethereum Router: 0xdD92062aDF9F6EDf528babe7F04804fe86424A74
Polygon Router: 0xc73fb100a995b33f9fA181d420f4C8D74506dF66
Optimism Router: 0x9ce88a56d120300061593eF7AD074A1B710094d5
Arbitrum Router: 0x2845c6929d621e32B7596520C8a1E5a37e616F09
Goerli Router: 0xB0D04855B253A95cb871bC0F1A73AAb9805FB99c
Prior Arrakis Router versions have been deployed but it is highly recommended that all future integrators use the latest version of the ArrakisV1RouterStaking