XPath/XQuery extension function library for the Saxon XSLT processor.
Functions to perform file system related operations such as listing, reading, or writing files or directories.
Namespace: http://expath.org/ns/file
These functions are an implementation of the specification: EXPath - File Module
Functions that implement a versatile HTTP client interface for XPath and XQuery,
Namespace: http://expath.org/ns/http-client
These functions are an implementation of the specification: EXPath - HTTP Client Module based on the Java HTTP client library OkHttp
Not implemented:
- Multipart responses (multipart requests are supported)
- Other authentication methods than "Basic"
Extensions to the specifications:
- Proxy server support via the attributes "http:request/@proxy-host","http:request/@proxy-port", "http:request/@proxy-username", "http:request/@proxy-password"
- Trust all SSL certificates via the attribute http:request/@trust-all-certs (xs:boolean, default: false())
- Default timeout (connect/write/read/call) is 30 seconds (can be changed via http:request/@timeout)
- Certificate authorities of the host platform are trusted
Logging functions that log to the Java http://www.slf4j.org/ framework. See Documentation for the configuration of the framework.
Namespace: http://www.armatiek.com/saxon/functions/logging
- log:debug($msg as item()*, $params as element(output:serialization-parameters)?) as xs:boolean?
- log:info($msg as item()*, $params as element(output:serialization-parameters)?) as xs:boolean?
- log:warn($msg as item()*, $params as element(output:serialization-parameters)?) as xs:boolean?
- log:error($msg as item()*, $params as element(output:serialization-parameters)?) as xs:boolean?
The second argument provides serialization parameters. These must be supplied as an output:serialization-parameters element, having the format described in Section 3.1 Setting Serialization Parameters by Means of a Data Model Instance
Functions to parse and serialize YAML. These functions are based on the Java library SnakeYAML.
Namespace: http://www.armatiek.com/saxon/functions/yaml
- yaml:yaml-to-xml($yaml as xs:string) as document-node()*
- yaml:yaml-to-xml($yaml as xs:string, $options as map(*)) as document-node()*
- yaml:xml-to-yaml($nodes as node()*) as xs:string
- yaml:xml-to-yaml($nodes as node()*, $options as map(*)) as xs:string
Options for yaml:yaml-to-xml(), see also LoaderOptions.
Name | Type | Description |
allow-duplicate-keys | xs:boolean | Allow/Reject duplicate map keys in the YAML file. Default is to allow. |
allow-recursive-keys | xs:boolean | Allow recursive keys for mappings. By default it is not allowed. |
enum-case-sensitive | xs:boolean | Disables or enables case sensitivity during construct enum constant from string value Default is false. |
max-aliases-for-collections | xs:integer | Restrict the amount of aliases for collections (sequences and mappings) to avoid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billion_laughs_attack |
process-comments | xs:boolean | Set the comment processing. By default comments are ignored. |
Options for yaml:xml-to-yaml(), see also DumperOptions.
Name | Type | Description |
allow-unicode | xs:boolean | Specify whether to emit non-ASCII printable Unicode characters. The default value is true. |
canonical | xs:boolean | Force the emitter to produce a canonical YAML document. |
default-flow-style | ['auto', 'block', 'flow'] | |
default-scalar-style | ['double_quoted', 'folded', 'literal', 'plain', 'single_quoted'] | |
explicit-end | xs:boolean | |
explicit-start | xs:boolean | |
indent | xs:integer | |
indent-with-indicator | xs:boolean | Set to true to add the indent for sequences to the general indent |
indicator-indent | xs:integer | Set number of white spaces to use for the sequence indicator '-' |
line-break | ['mac', 'unix', 'win'] | Specify the line break to separate the lines. |
max-simple-key-length | xs:integer | Define max key length to use simple key (without '?') More info https://yaml.org/spec/1.1/#id934537 |
non-printable-style | ['binary', 'escape'] | When String contains non-printable characters they will be converted to binary data with the !!binary tag. |
pretty-flow | xs:boolean | Force the emitter to produce a pretty YAML document when using the flow style. |
split-lines | xs:boolean | Specify whether to split lines exceeding preferred width for scalars. |
tags | map(xs:string, xs:string) | |
time-zone | xs:string eg 'UTC' | Set the timezone to be used for dates. |
version | ['v1_0', 'v1_1'] | |
width | xs:integer | Specify the preferred width to emit scalars. |
Example of XML representation of YAML:
Input YAML:
doe: "a deer, a female deer"
ray: "a drop of golden sun"
date: 2001-12-14T21:59:43.10-05:00
pi: 3.14159
xmas: true
french-hens: 3
- huey
- dewey
- louie
- fred
calling-birds: four
french-hens: 3
golden-rings: 5
count: 1
location: "a pear tree"
turtle-doves: two
amount: ~
foo: True
picture: !!binary |
Result of yaml:yaml-to-xml:
<map xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions">
<string key="doe">a deer, a female deer</string>
<string key="ray">a drop of golden sun</string>
<date key="date">2001-12-15+01:00</date>
<number key="pi">3.14159</number>
<boolean key="xmas">true</boolean>
<integer key="french-hens">3</integer>
<array key="calling-birds">
<map key="xmas-fifth-day">
<string key="calling-birds">four</string>
<integer key="french-hens">3</integer>
<integer key="golden-rings">5</integer>
<map key="partridges">
<integer key="count">1</integer>
<string key="location">a pear tree</string>
<string key="turtle-doves">two</string>
<null key="amount"/>
<boolean key="foo">true</boolean>
<base64Binary key="picture">R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANnZ2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME1IAADs=</base64Binary>
De following elements/datatypes are supported:
- map
- array
- string
- integer
- long
- number
- float
- double
- boolean
- date
- dateTime
- null
- base64Binary
Functions for the conversion of several wiki dialects to XHTML.
Namespace: http://www.armatiek.com/saxon/functions/wikitext
- wiki:asciidoc-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:commonmark-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:confluence-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:creole-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:markdown-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:mediawiki-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:textile-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:tracwiki-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
- wiki:twiki-2-html($text as xs:string) as node()?
Function for the Canonicalization (c14n) of XML.
Namespace: http://www.armatiek.com/saxon/functions/canonicalization
- c14n:canonicalize-xml($xml as xs:string) as xs:string
mvn package
Create a saxon configuration file and add functions to use.
<configuration xmlns="http://saxon.sf.net/ns/configuration" edition="HE">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
<xsl:template name="saxon-extensions">
<xsl:sequence select="c14n:canonicalize-xml('<_/>')"/>
java -cp saxon.jar:canonicalization/target/saxon-ext-canonicalization-1.4-uber.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -config:config.xml -it:saxon-extensions -xsl:test.xsl -o:output.xml