To understand if there is an issue with Waterco' customers paying a given invoice late, and what factors influence this.
- What are the key findings from the dataset that are important and relevant to the clients problem?
- How did you arrive at these findings?
- Billing_Issues_1month – This is the primary column to predict (target), this indicates if the account has raised distress with the invoice provided
- Invoice_Count – Count of invoices sent to this account
- Qtr – Quarter the invoice was sent in
- Year – Year the invoice was sent in
- Billing_Method – Method used to communicate the invoice
- Payment_Method - Method used to pay for the invoice
- Risk_Factor – Predetermined risk factor of the account
- Hardship_Notice – If the account is currently placed on hardship (unable to pay a bill, etc)
- Payment_Agreement – If the account has an agreement for payment of previous outstanding invoices
- Concession_Agreement – If the account has any agreed concession for payment of invoices
- High_Usage_Indicator – If the account has been determined to be a high-water user
- Invoice_Notice_Sent – Invoice sent to the account
- Final_Notice_Sent – Final invoice reminder sent to the account
- Payment_Issue_Notice – Notice issue to the account if there are payment issues with reoccurring payment plans
- Requested_Additional_Payment_Time – If the account has requested additional time to pay a bill
- Gov_Grant_Enrolled – If the are enrolled in the Welfare or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provided by the USA Government
- Prior_Hardship_Notice - If the account has been placed on hardship (unable to pay a bill, etc) previously
- Complaint_Count – Count of complaints made by the account to the service team
- Customer_Contact_Count – Count of the amount of contact between account and service team
- Property_Type – Type of property
- Property_Suburb – Suburb of property location
- Property_County – County of property location
- Gov_Housing - If the are enrolled in the Welfare or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provided by the USA Government in Government housing
- Qtr_Rain_MM – Measurement of rainwater for County quarterly