What is Rongo ?
🔰️ A fully-typed Promise-based NodeJS driver for MongoDB.
💍️ A happy marriage between the relational and the NoSQL world.
🏃 An elegant way to escape subdocument hell without additional complexity.
⚠️ This doc is still under construction
import Rongo from "rongo.js";
const db = new Rongo("mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb");
collection: Book
onDelete: PULL
collection: Author
onDelete: DELETE
const Book = db.collection("Book");
await Book.insert({
title: "Harry Potter",
author: {
name: "J.K. Rowling",
favoriteBooks: [
title: "Emma",
author: {
name: "Jane Austen",
favoriteBooks: []
The Book and Author collections then respectively contain :
"_id": ObjectID("606cbeab251aa79ab35ffd05"),
"title": "Emma",
"author": ObjectID("606cbf193aaa317e81b97150")
"_id": ObjectID("606cbed349af304a1e828338"),
"title": "Harry Potter",
"author": ObjectID("606cbf3ac0680a044501108b")
"_id": ObjectID("606cbf193aaa317e81b97150"),
"name": "Jane Austen",
"favoriteBooks": []
"_id": ObjectID("606cbf3ac0680a044501108b"),
"name": "J.K. Rowling",
"favoriteBooks": [ObjectID("606cbeab251aa79ab35ffd05")]
await Book.find({
author: {
$in: {
name: "J.K. Rowling"
"_id": ObjectID("606cbed349af304a1e828338"),
"title": "Harry Potter",
"author": ObjectID("606cbf3ac0680a044501108b")
"Who wrote Harry Potter ?"
await Book.findOne({ title: "Harry Potter" }).select`author name`;
"J.K. Rowling"
"What's the title of J.K. Rowling's favorite books ?"
await Author.findOne({ name: "J.K. Rowling" }).select`favoriteBooks title`;
"Who wrote J.K. Rowling's favorite books ?"
await Author.findOne({ name: "J.K. Rowling" })
.select`favoriteBooks author name`;
["Jane Austen"]
"Get me the "Harry Potter" document, and partially populate its author field"
await Book.findOne({ title: "Harry Potter" }).select`{ *, author { name } }`;
"_id": ObjectID("606cbed349af304a1e828338"),
"title": "Harry Potter",
"author": { "name": "J.K. Rowling" }
📌 Selectors are a powerful concept which allows you to do really a lot of useful things. More about them in the Selector section.
await Author.delete({ name: "Jane Austen" });
The Book and Author collections then respectively contain :
"_id": ObjectID("606cbed349af304a1e828338"),
"title": "Harry Potter",
"author": ObjectID("606cbf3ac0680a044501108b")
"_id": ObjectID("606cbf3ac0680a044501108b"),
"name": "J.K. Rowling",
"favoriteBooks": []
📌 By deleting the author "Jane Austen", her book "Emma" was deleted too, and so was its entry in J.K. Rowling's favorite book list.
Quickly find foreign references to a given document, scan the database to look for dangling foreign keys, etc. The list keeps going on.
- The augmentation of the insertion and filter syntax to include relational stuff is a superset of the original syntax. Everything written using the conventional syntax will work with Rongo, unless you explicitly specify otherwise in your Rongo schema.
- You can opt-out the relational functionalities if you wish by playing with options, and just use Rongo as a regular MongoDB driver (like mongoose, monk, mongoist, etc.). For example :
await Author.delete({ name: "Jane Austen" }, { propagate: false });