LightLog is an open source deep learning based lightweight log analysis tool for log anomaly detection.
[BGL&HDFS dataset and Methods of data processing] is for the processing of time-series data
- The BGL contains the complete steps for building word2vec models from structured logs
- Template saved as a .josn file
- Although rarely mentioned in our forthcoming paper, the treatment of the time-series data is very different from other work. The experimental results prove that this approach performs very well [Enhanced TCN for Log Anomaly Detection on the BGL Dataset] Validation of our method on the BGL dataset [Enhanced TCN for Log Anomaly Detection on the HDFS Dataset] Validation of our method on the HDFS dataset
- This work includes the processing of BGL, HDFS datasets, training and testing of models, including details of building word2vec templates, PCA-PPA dimensionality reduction process and improved TCN
- This work does not include log parsing,if you need to use it, please check logparser*
- We highly recommend some other open source work as a complement and comparison to our work.logdeep
- python = 3.6
- tensorflow = 1.8.0
- Keras = 2.1.6