The HTML5 result can be found here:
A template repository to create godot project with the following features:
- Automatic deploy to github pages and google play store on each commit to main branch
- Generate C# code for scenes as a partial class (see
- Incude C# implementations for achievements and popups
- CommonSignals class contains names for godot signals
- Clone repository from template
Replace all occurances of "godotTemplate" to your name
- Configure android deployment keystores
As an example this repository already has 2 prepared keystore files
- debug_keystore with password debug_password
- release_keystore with password release_password
Debug keystore can be used on local machine to upload apk on android devices. Release keystore is used to deploy apk to google play.
To make it work add your relese password to RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
repository secret
- Web test
Do not forget to enable Pages and set Source as 'Github Actions'
The page will be available under
- Create keystores for android deployment
Go to "keystore" folder, remove release.keystore and execute following command:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias release_user -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
And then add release keystore password to github secrets with the name RELEASE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD You can regenerate debug.keystore as well with the following command (see the password is already set):
keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias debug_user -storepass debug_password -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
- Create new project in google play
To add permissions for the github to automatically deploy new versions to play store please check
Service account json key generated by google console should be copied to github secret with the name SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON
- Enjoy