On Demand Video Streaming Service
- An admin panel to control the admin account, the content being shared on the platform and users.
- User Login/Signup portal with mail verification and also include Social logins like login with Facebook, google login, etc.
- The application should enable the admin to upload videos using an array of options such as a YouTube link, Amazon S3 bucket, normal uploads, and a website link.
- All the videos uploaded should have a category, description, tags, thumbnails etc.
- Search videos by name, category, tags etc.
- Play uploaded videos online and the video player should have all the features of play, pause, full screen, theatre mode, next, prev etc.
- The application should have multiple profitable monetization channels built-in like subscription plans as well as pay-per-view.
- Collecting payments from users with a payment gateway like Razorpay, PayPal etc.
- If users find any video offensive or abusive, they can flag it. Admin will be notified and has the right to delete a video or delete a flag.
- Like and comment on any video. Comments can be deleted and edited by comment maker.
- All users can report a comment if find inappropriate. Admin can delete an inappropriate comment.
- It should be highly scalable that is it should handle unlimited users, videos, and categories.
- Users can add videos to their favorites list.
- Recommend videos based on new releases as well as the category which is most frequently watched by user.
- Resuming videos from where the user has last left on user re-login.
- Auto play all the videos in a playlist.
- The video player can be made advanced with many other features like skip ads, skip +10/-10 secs, playback rate, quality, turn on/off captions etc.