A curated list of all things anime - streaming/downloading/reading/tracking/forums.
- Rather than having all anime websites bookmarked, access them all from one place.
- Keeping tons of alternatives in case our favourite anime website is down.
- All things related to anime/manga in one place
- Free anime websites are always struggling with copyright claims, file an issue if a broken link is encountered.
- I am NOT promoting the use of free anime websites by any means.
- 9anime.to
- anime1.com
- anime8.ru(Downloading and Streaming)
- animebam.se
- animedaisuki.moe
- animedao.to
- animefever.tv
- animefreak.tv
- animeflix.io
- animeflv.net - Spanish
- animefrenzy.net
- animehub.ac
- animekisa.tv
- animelon.com
- anilinkz.to
- anime-loads.org - Contains German Dubs/Subs
- animepahe.com
- anime-planet.com
- animepill.com
- animeram.cc
- animered.me
- animereborn.net
- animerush.tv
- animesa.ga
- animeseries.io
- animeshow.tv
- animesimple.com
- animetake.tv
- anitube.site
- animeultima.to
- animevibe.tv
- animixplay.to
- aniwatch.me - Really smooth experience with continuation of episodes from the point user left and auto next episode
- aniwatcher.com
- cartooncrazy.net
- chia-anime.tv
- chihiro-subs.com
- crunchyroll.com
- darkanime.stream
- dubbedtv.tv
- gogoanime.io
- justdubs.org
- kawaiifu.com
- kaa.si
- kimcartoon.to
- proxer.me - Contains German Subs
- ryuanime.com
- sganime.org
- simpleyaweeb.com
- otaku-streamers.com
- watchcartoononline.io
- tranimeizle.net - Contains Turkish Subs
- turkanime.net - Contains Turkish Subs
- twist.moe
- anime8.ru (Downloading and Streaming)
- anime2enjoy.com
- anichiraku.ru
- anidl.org
- animekaizoku.com
- animechiby.com
- animekayo.com
- animencodes.com
- animeout.xyz
- erai-raws.info
- darklegends60mb.org
- hi10anime.com
- soulreaperzone.com
- thehylia.com
- nibl.co.uk(irc)
- animetosho.org - Torrent, NZB, DDL
- anidex.info
- anirena.com
- anisearch.ru
- horriblesubs.info - Best anime torrents.
- minglong.org
- tokyotosho.info
- nyaa.si
- nyaapantsu
- animelayer - Site is in russian
- sukebeinyaa For Hentai
- shanaproject
- animebytes.tv
- animetorrents.me
- bakabt.me (If you want to get a bakabt account, you should go to their irc which is #BakaBT on Rizon, and take a queue number for getting reviewed.)
- anidb.net
- animenewsnetwork.com
- kitsu.io
- myanimelist.net
- anilist.co
- anisearch.com
- annict.com
- simkl.com
- anime-planet.com
- myanimelist.net/anime/season
- anidb.net/anime/season Season chart
- anidb.net/anime/schedule Schedule
- senpai.moe
- anisearch.com
- livechart.me
- anichart.net
- 4chan.org
- reddit.com/r/anime
- animebase.me
- animesuki.com
- myanimelist.net
- anime-planet.com
- anidb.net
- animenewsnetwork.com
- crunchyroll.com
- #Animania
- Anyme
- AnimeDLR
- Animeglare
- 9Animator
- Taiyaki
- Animeboya
- AnimeZone
- AniMixPlay
- Aruppi - Spanish
- FireAnime
- MALClient
- AniTrend
- LiveChart
- Crunchyroll
- 1stkissmanga
- Chibi manga reader
- Fallen Angels
- Mangadex
- bato.to
- bulumanga.com
- fanfox.net
- mangakomi
- mangaplus Free, Official Source for Shounen Jump Series
- mangafreak.eu
- mangahere.cc
- mangakakalot.com
- manganelo.com
- mangapanda.com
- mangapark.net
- mangareader.net
- mangasee123.com
- ReadManga Today
- Mangazuki
- readcomiconline
- readm
- readmanhua
- weebtoons
- readmanhua
- WuxiaWorld
- Tachiyomi
- tachiyomij2k Fork of Tachiyomi but it has way better ui than tachiyomi
- MangaReader
- Paperback
- mangazone
- Crunchyroll Manga
- MangaPlus
- mangaupdates
- animenewsnetwork.com
- kitsu.io
- myanimelist.net
- anilist.co
- anisearch.com
- anime-planet.com