The official docs for our jQuery plugin / SDK are on the transloadit website.
Feel free to fork this project. We will happily merge bug fixes or other small improvements. For bigger changes you should probably get in touch with us before you start to avoid not seeing them merged.
Building your own compressed version requires a *nix operation system and curl. We are using the Google Closure REST API for minification.
The minified output file can be found in: build/jquery.transloadit2.js
This plugin includes the following dependencies:
- jquery.easing.js by George McGinley Smith (BSD License)
- jquery.jsonp.js by Julian Aubourg (MIT License)
- toolbox.expose.js by Tero Piirainen (Public domain)
- json2.js by Douglas Crockford (Public domain)
A big thanks goes to the authors of these fantastic projects!
The Transloadit jQuery SDK is licensed under the MIT license. The dependencies have their own licenses (MIT, BSD, PUBLIC DOMAIN).