Blood Bank DB Python Flask Application
Programming Language: Python v3.9
Frontend: Bootstrap (HTML, CSS & JS)
Database: SQLite
Python Libraries: appdirs v1.4.4, black v20.8b1, click v7.1.2, Flask v1.1.2, Flask-SQLAlchemy v2.5.1, greenlet v1.0.0, itsdangerous v1.1.0, Jinja2 v2.11.3, MarkupSafe v1.1.1, mypy-extensions v0.4.3, pathspec v0.8.1, regex v2021.3.17, SQLAlchemy v1.4.2, toml v0.10.2, typed-ast v1.4.2, typing-extensions v3.7.4.3, Werkzeug v1.0.1
• Install python 3.9 from
• Open command prompt or terminal and go to the project directory
• Enter the following commands (virtual environment is recommended but not necessary)
o python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
o python
• Open your browser and go to the address as in the command line console:
• The login page is visible, and the interface can be used.
• More information about the usage of the application can be found here:
o short video tutorial:
o paper with brief instructions: