Improve the Powermail select option list
- Option value: Choose between
- ISO 3166-1 A2/A3 country code
- English Short Name
- Custom List
- Limitation
- All static_countries
- European Union (EU)
- United Nations (UN)
- Territories Select List
- Label value respect current language and static_info_tables_* modifications
- Available Hook to post modify option list
- Dynamic add of available State list for Format Options ISO 3166-1 A2/A3
- Custom mapping possible by TypoScript
- static_info_tables
- powermail
- Install via composer req belsignum/powermail-country
- Add static template
# Custom County Mapping
plugin.tx_powermailcountry.settings.mapping {
country_zones {
MX {
AG = Aguascalientes
BC = Baja California
BS = Baja California Sur
- 11.2.0 - Add English Short Name and Custom Format Option
- 11.1.0 - Add corresponding County Select
- 11.0.0 - Support for TYPO3 v11 (thanks to Frank Gerards)