Twitch irc implementation on scala using akka actors. Twitch server API described here
Twitch bot is an actor which sends messages about all events to it's listeners.
Join(channelName: String)
Part(channelName: String)
SendMessage(channelName: String, message: String)
SendWhisper(userName: String, message: String)
AddListener(listener: ActorRef)
DeleteListener(listener: ActorRef)
if tags
is disabled then tags
are empty
success/fail log in events:
ConnectionFailed(err: String)
event after logging in(contains information about user in tags
GlobalUserState(tags: Map[String, String])
message events:
IncomingMessage(tags: Map[String, String], user: String, channel: String, message: String)
IncomingWhisper(tags: Map[String, String], user: String, message: String)
sent only if membership
is enabled:
UserJoinedChannel(user: String, channel: String)
UserLeftChannel(user: String, channel: String)
UserGainModeMessage(user: String, channel: String)
UserLostModeMessage(user: String, channel: String)
ChannelUserList(channel: String, users: Seq[String])
sent only if commands
is enabled:
UserBan(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, user: String)
HostStart(channel: String, hostChannel: String, viewers: Option[Int])
HostStop(channel: String, viewers: Option[Int])
Notice(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, message: String)
RoomState(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String)
UserNotice(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String, message: String)
UserState(tags: Map[String, String], channel: String)
Code inside actor:
import bot.twitchirc.TwitchIRCActor
import bot.twitchirc.TwitchIRCActor.{AddListener, TwitchIRCProps}
val twitchIRCActor = context.actorOf(TwitchIRCActor.props(nick, oauth,
props = TwitchIRCProps(membership = true, tags = true, commands = true)), "TwitchIRCActor")
twitchIRCActor ! AddListener(self)
- twitch login
- can be obtained here
- membership - server send information about users join/left. Described here.
- tags - additional information about users/events in messages. Described here.
- commands - adds additional commands. Described here.
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
libraryDependencies += "com.github.AmirMuratov" % "TwitchIRC" % "0.1"