A sweet sudoku mod for sudoku by Tic Bits
- Enumerate a given cell with 1 - 9
- Enumerate every single cell with 1 - 9
- Reduce the possible values which a cell may have
- Reduce the entire board to values which each cell may have
- Solve a given cell
- Solve the entire board
- Check if selected box has correct number
- Remove Advertisements
- add compatibility with other devices
- add landscape AND portrait compatibility
- fix bugs
- All user-added buttons cause a crash at the start of the game. To prevent this, select a random cell, then add a note and a number
- Undo database acts wonky sometimes when using the extra buttons...
- Reduction option is blind to conflicts -> it'll reduce a box even if the number is conflicted
Enumerate all cells with 1-9:
Reduce all enumerations to possible cell values:
Solve Puzzle:
Check if entered value for selected cell is correct:
Check if entered value for selected cell is correct:
- Alphamatter (Coding)
- Razzile (CDAnonymousStruct2)
- RickHaks (sharedInstance trick)