App.js | |- NavBar | | | |- LoggedInUser | | | | | |- LoggedInUserMenu | | | | | | | |- Menu 1 - Link to User | | | | | | | |- Menu 2 - Link to Logout | | |- Switch | | | |- User | | | | | |- UserTabs | | | | | | | |- Tab 1 - UserUpdate | | | | | | | |- Tab 2 - ManageImages | | | |- Browse | | | | | |- UserLists | | | |- Search | | | |- About | | | |- Contact | | | |- Logout | | | |- Callback | | |- Footer
- Remove the relationship to users, since it is not needed.
const RoleType = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'Role', fields: () => ({ id: { type: GraphQLID}, name: {type: GraphQLString}, users: { type: new GraphQLList(UserType), resolve(parent, args) { return User.find({roleId:}); } } }) });
- Roles should be an Enum Type.
Since roles just have a name field, I think we should use the ENUM type... They would just be resolved in Mongoose/MongoDB as strings and we would validate specifcially to those strings. Unless there's going to be many types of roles in the future.