g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -g ./src/*.cpp ./src/gzstream.C -I./src -o finger-graph -lz
usage: lfg compute-factorizations [-h] -a
[-b {remove-three,up-to-ten,twenty-most}]
[-o O] [-n N]
positional arguments:
fasta fasta file (or folder if with -n)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a {cfl,icfl,cfl_icfl,cfl_comb,icfl_comb,cfl_icfl_comb}
factorization algorithm
-b {remove-three,up-to-ten,twenty-most}
strategy to remove borders
-o O output file (or folder if with -n)
-n N number of processes
./lfg compute-factorizations -a cfl_icfl_comb reads.fa -o factorizations.txt
usage: lfg build [-h] [-k K] [-l LIMIT] [--no-norm] [--no-enriched]
positional arguments:
factorizations factorizations file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k K k-finger dimension [default 5]
-l LIMIT minimum length for a k-finger [default 30]
--no-norm do not normalize k-fingers
--no-enriched do not enrich k-fingers
./lfg build -k 5 -l 30 factors.txt
./lfg build factors.txt | gzip > finger-graph.txt.gz