by Delta Omega
Added enriched lava tank texture
by Alcater
Added RBMk Lid jumping
Added Boron Sand RBMK function
Added Duck button config
Added changelog print config
Added Geiger and Digamma Diagnostic gui configuration options
Added Performance optimizations to RBMK columns
Added Gold-198 Block
Added Gradients to FalloutRain
Added Meltdown Elementals to RBMK meltdowns
Added rocket sounds to missiles
Added pipegrab to give correct pipes
Added Fallout Crystallizer recipe
Added Sellaline refinement
Added RBMK Console Render
Added RBMK Console Flux meter and Graph
Added Ashglasses to Blinding Proof armors
Added CraftTweaker support
Breeding Rector
Irradiation channel
Blast Furnace
Waste Drum
Added contamination effect removal to decontaminator
Changed default waterheight to be automatic
Changed WasteLeaves to be leaves
Changed DFC Fuel consumption from x/1000 to sqrt(x)
Changed rocket particle effects
Changed Hazmat, Ducrete, Compound Brick to be rad-resistant
Changed Niter, fluorite, sulfur ore to give more and have fortune benefits
Changed ItemContam Rad threshold to 5
Changed RadFog color
Changed PAA armor color to white
Changed Doors to be open on redstone signal
Fixed Sellafite lag
Fixed Gas moving lag
Fixed Thermo nuke lag
Fixed WasteLog model and made it rotateable
Fixed Assembler recipe not found
Fixed neutron activation lag
Fixed Meteorite Dungeon Pillar Direction
Fixed Pyramid Concrete Pillar Direction
Fixed too long mushroom clouds
Fixed Gas and Spawning
Fixed rocket exaust culling issue
Fixed IF grenade recipe balance
Fixed Crystallizer fluid acceptance
Fixed BigReactor corium meltdown blocks
Fixed Servo partilce effects showing up
Removed vanilla dust texture overwrites
Removed Gasmask from Blinding Proof armors