Designed to deal with file coding issues
- run make.bat to generate project solution.
- run makeclean.bat to delete project solution.
- premake.lua is the configuration file for generating project solution.
- run makefull.bat to generate project solution and bulid it immediately.
tools directory: encoding\core\tools\make4windows
warm prompt: you have two ways to build this project.
- run to generate Makefile and make it.
tools directory: encoding\core\tools\make4linux
warm prompt: modify execute permission of the file before to run it.
We can't detect the encoding of the file through the byte streams accurately in some time. For example, you create a .txt file and open it with notepad on windows. Then you wrote 联通 in it and save. Close it and open it again. You will find it shows messy code. Because the two words contains four bytes, it fit ansi encoding and utf8-without-bom concurrently. So we need to guess the encoding of files in some time. I have a idea for the situation. if the byte streams contains n words of utf8 encoding and the n words bath have two bytes. We can judge the encoding of it that is ansi. It is highly likely to right.
AlbertGithubHome/encoding is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.