Make life easier by automating stock market analysis.
- First, clone the repository to your local machine and cd into the project directory:
git clone
cd stock-market-analysis
- Build Docker image from Dockerfile:
docker build . -t stock-market-analysis
Run the above command whenever you make some change in the source code files for it to reflect in the Docker container.
- Create and run container from the image:
docker run stock-market-analysis
- Strategy 1: Detect stocks with MACD bullish crossover on last trading day with good RSI value and report them to us.
- Strategy 2: Detect stocks with MACD bullish crossover on last to last trading day, and check if it showed strength last day. Report such stocks along with corresponding RSI value.
- Basic mailing service to send the output to specified list of emails in tabular format.
- Take holidays into account. Currently the program doesn't work if the last trading day was a holiday.
- Strategy 3: For huge / custom list of companies like RELIANCE, TCS, INFOSYS, etc, report their today's change. Maybe think about some better strategy for these later.
- Integrate mailing service to mail us the outputs of the program.
- For all the stocks in output, plot and save graphs (with MACD and RSI and volume) and attach them in the mail.
- Minor enhancements:
- Add respective volume in the output as well.
- Deploy and enjoy.
- Maybe:
- Push Docker image to Docker Hub.
The source code is released under the MIT License.