How to add custom Map Content Server Side Epoch
Create a folder in your server.pbo called mapaddons or something like that and put the map addon file in there.
Add the following line to the very bottom of your server_functions.sqf in the init folder of your server.pbo.
E.g. for South West Island:
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\mapaddons\south-west-island.sqf";
Save, pack and upload your server.pbo.
How to add custom Map Content Client Side Epoch
Put the your custom Map Addon into your missionfile. For a better overview, create a folder called mapaddons or something like that and put the file in there.
Open your init.sqf located in your missionfile. Search for call call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "server_traders.sqf";
Put this line under the code from above:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mapaddons\myMapAddon.sqf";
E.g. for Panthera Bridge:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "mapaddons\bridgeVatra.sqf";
Save, pack and upload your Missionfile.
Your mapaddons will be loaded locally on server and on the client, so AIs still can see the buildings.