AngularJS Chosen directive
This directive brings the Chosen jQuery plugin into AngularJS with ngModel and ngOptions integration.
To use, include localytics.directives
as a dependency in your Angular module. You can now
use the chosen
directive as an attribute on any select element. Angular version 1.3+ is required, but recomended 1.4.9+.
- Documentation on Github Page
- Examples on example/index.html
Via bower
$ bower install angular-chosen-localytics --save
Via npm
$ npm install angular-chosen-localytics --save
Via cdn
<script src=""></script>
Or download zip file
If you use Yeoman or Bower install, you need to rename the chosen.jquery.js
or the chosen.proto.js
to chosen.js
. Otherwise Chosen won't be included in your index.html
- Works with
- Supports usage of promises in
- Provides a 'loading' animation when 'ngOptions' collection is a promise backed by a remote source
- Pass options to
via attributes or by passing an object to the Chosen directive
Similar to $("#states").chosen()
<select chosen multiple id="states">
<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>
<option value="AR">Arkansas</option>
<option value="CA">California</option>
<select chosen
data-placeholder-text-single="'Pick one of these'"
<option value=""></option>
<option>This is fun</option>
<option>I like Chosen so much</option>
<option>I also like bunny rabbits</option>
Note: the empty option element is mandatory when using
<select multiple
ng-options="s for s in states">
Note: don't try to use
. It won't work. UsengOptions
. It's better that way.
Also important: if your
is null or undefined, you must manually include an empty option inside your<select>
, otherwise you'll encounter strange off-by-one errors:
<select multiple
ng-options="s for s in states">
<option value=""></option>
This annoying behavior is alluded to in the examples in the documentation for ngOptions.
<select chosen
ng-options="s for s in states"
<option value=""></option>
Include chosen-spinner.css
and spinner.gif
to show an Ajax spinner icon while your data is loading. If the collection comes back empty, the directive will disable the element and show a default
"No values available" message. You can customize this message by passing in noResultsText
in your options.
angular.module('App', ['ngResource', 'localytics.directives'])
.controller('BeerCtrl', function($scope, $resource) {
$scope.beers = $resource('api/beers').query()
<div ng-controller="BeerCtrl">
<select chosen
data-placeholder-text-single="'Choose a beer'"
no-results-text="'Could not find any beers :('"
ng-options="b for b in beers">
<option value=""></option>
Image of select defined above in loading state:
<img src="">
Note: Assigning promises directly to scope is now deprecated in Angular 1.2+. Assign the results of the promise to scope once the promise returns. The loader animation will still work as long as the collection expression evaluates to
while your data is loading!